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Joined 3 August 2011
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12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
broken strap brace. What is best method to retrofit?

Builder broke a wall strap brace when tightening up the brace.
They put a new one on but only nailed the bottom of it to the side of the bottom…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Bath/WC/Laundry ideas - not quite there

Hi all
Looking for a little bit of feedback on our main bath, wc, laundry colour scheme. Its not quite there but cant quite work out what's wrong. Bath will be…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Smartphone Automation

I am planning on using zwave and the vera 3 controller.
There are a number of alternatives depending on your level of automation requirements.
If it just lighting then there is…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:

Sweethome3D is probably the best of the free options. http://www.sweethome3d.com/index.jsp
If you have any cad skills then Sketchup is super powerful and has a huge warehouse…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Faux timber beams?

Hi H1
Looking to create that old world english pub effect with exposed beams. Its an 8mx8m L-shaped room with 5.5-6m spans with a web framed subfloor to the attic above…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Leveling Land

There is a little bit more to it than just having a bobcat roll over your own fill as I have found out with my build.
There are 2 ways engineers…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Link 2 rainwater tanks some distance apart

Ah sorry for the confusion Downtime.
If the tanks were less that a metre apart then I would leave the balance pipe above ground. Otherwise, you would use a couple…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Link 2 rainwater tanks some distance apart

and in addition to jnk40's questions....where does your stormwater run?
Remember that water will always seek its own level. So regardless of how the rainwater enters one tank, if you have…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Temporary occupancy rules (VIC) for a new build

Thanks Shelley. According to our builder, the private inspector is a bit a of a stickler so I will wait and see how the builder gets on with him before…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
1s time painters.. help!

Agree with using good brushes and paint - avoid the 'trade' brands. and the wrapping your brushes and rollers at lunchtime/evening is a great time saver. Just remember to change…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Temporary occupancy rules (VIC) for a new build

Does anyone know what the rules or regulations in VIC that you need to abide by to get temporary occupancy within a partially completed new house?
My understanding is sleeping facilities,…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Design software

Sketchup is good if you have had previous cad drafting skills and you spend some time researching a few of the add-ins designed to home building. I write software for…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Problems with construction next door

I wouldn't be postponing my works because of the builder next door though its probably best not to move it yourself as that could get you into hot water if…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
aluminium Gutter guards which one?

IMHO these are a waste of time in southern parts of Aus where the rainfall is generally light and thus lacking in sufficient volume and regularity to fully flush your…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Can anyone help - plastic around slab? Picture in post.

Pretty sure its HomeGuard termite protection....
http://www.fmcaustralasia.com.au/Home/P ... ducts.aspx
Given its the blue stuff, there will also be a DPC over that before…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Solar Hot Water - Electric Boost

check with your builder as to whether the heat exchanger on the panels could be damaged by excessive heating by not having water circulating. I know the Apricus warranty specifically…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Sugar Cane mulch for a vegie garden

Most definitely. Have tried pea straw and other bailed hay but found they were full of seeds (both weed and pea) and rather light so the birds have a field…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Are these worthy choices for appliances?

The german brands are all from the same family. In order of quality and it starts quite high (as do the price unfortnately), it goes Bosch-> Siemens -> Neff ->…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Opinion on workmanship sought...

What were the specs of the job?
What is the final finish to be?
Have they actually finished?

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Building to lockup

I'm hoping Bashworth will add his two bobs worth to this.
IMHO - OB'ing is never for the light hearted nor to save money. Most OB's never save money, however…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Battened Ceiling

@leighton. I've pulled 2 horse hair ceilings down. The first had 80 years of simpson desert duststorms above it. The second 80+ years of possum & rat dung. I don't…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Steel Beam Concerns

I would ask the builder for the latest copy of the structural engineering to see if that design is what the engineer approved. I can see why it has been…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Engineered v solid hardwood floors

Storing them in the house prior to laying allows them to adjust to the humidity in the house. Timber expands in all directions (mostly length ways and at different rates…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Engineered v solid hardwood floors

Several things to consider
Firstly, there are several advantages of engineered.
you can have insulation under it
the better quality engineered boards are dimensionally more stable than hardwood because of the different…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Can somebody please tell me what type of gutter this is?

Its only the metal fascia at the moment. The gutters will be attached to it.

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Need advice on our rainwater collection and storage system.

Great pic John
Any reason you didn't go with the 65mm connection to tank 3?
How clean do you want the water in tanks 1 and 4? a waterboy on the tank…

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:

Hi Rocketship. would you happen to know the brand of those pull out shelves?

12 years12 yearsRocksInHeadRocksInHead posted:
Need advice on our rainwater collection and storage system.

Thanks SaveH20. Satisfies my question re pressure however I am still at a loss on the first flush.
The best place to have a flush kit is at the downpipe but…

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3 August 2011

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