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115 Posts
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Adelaide, SA
Joined 30 January 2009
Senior Member
10 years10 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Spacing of Glauca conifer hedge

I'm about to plant out a hedge of Glauca conifers but am getting mixed answers regarding the spacing.
We want them to form a hedge eventually and they are being planted…

11 years11 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Who should pay for this retaining wall?

Hi everyone! Thanks for your responses. Your advice was reassuring as we stood our ground and said we refused to pay to retain what was their responsibility. And it worked!…

11 years11 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Who should pay for this retaining wall?

The storm water was an issue for a short while as their house was under construction. These are the only pics of the levels and retaining tequired so I think…

11 years11 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Who should pay for this retaining wall?

Thanks for your replies. Much appreciated!
1rocky - yes we aim to be neighbourly but during the long slog of building, sometimes you try to save every penny possible!
bashworth - you…

11 years11 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Who should pay for this retaining wall?

Hi there
Cross-posting here and in Landscape for more views...
Could we please have opinions on whether we should have to pay half of the cost of a retaining wall along our…

11 years11 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Who should pay for this retaining wall?

Hi there
Could we please have opinions on whether we should have to pay half of the cost of a retaining wall along our boundary with our neighbours. We want to…

13 years13 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Noisy Heat Pump Hot Water System

Our neighbours heat pump seems to be constantly running. It wasn't doing this when it was first installed. Could it possibly be faulty? Do they operate differently as the seasons/temperatures…

13 years13 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Where to buy dovecote in Australia?

Thanks! That's a beautiful one. Will have to contact them about how much delivery will be.
They're not exactly cheap... but do appear to be great quality.
I wonder how difficult they…

13 years13 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Where to buy dovecote in Australia?

We have an English country style garden in which a dovecote would be a nice addition.
Can anyone help with where to buy one? I've looked online and there doesn't seem…

13 years13 yearsRoarRoar posted:
North Facing House - Solar Panels

We have the same dilemma. :lol: But hubby and I are agree that the front of the house is a no-no (resale, aesthetics, etc).
We're interested…

13 years13 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Planting Sir Walter Buffalo in winter?

As the topic says: is it completely inadvisable? I've searched several websites and it's not stated clearly on any of them.
The front of our house is fully landscaped except…

13 years13 yearsRoarRoar posted:
How much to powder coat a single bed?

Wow - that's very reasonable.
Will definitely follow up by ringing around to get a firm price before buying.

13 years13 yearsRoarRoar posted:
How much to powder coat a single bed?

Hi jodge
I've painted a bed before. Never again. Brush strokes were a problem. Not keen on spray painting either. I'd like a smooth, enamel look plus I'm fussy so if…

13 years13 yearsRoarRoar posted:
How much to powder coat a single bed?

I've seen a beautiful antique wrought iron bed in an antique shop for $100.
I'd like to use it for my daughter's bedroom but the problem is it's black and gold.

13 years13 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Duranta Repens - frost tolerant?

I bought 10 of these plants from a local market on the weekend and planted them out to form a hedge behind a picket fence. They look great! They were…

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Non-deciduous tree/shrub Adelaide Hills/mostly cool climate?

Full sun, along a north facing fence and copping the sun from the west as well.
Exposed to wind, not sheltered by any other buildings, trees, etc.

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Non-deciduous tree/shrub Adelaide Hills/mostly cool climate?

We're establishing a new garden from nothing having built our house 18 months ago.
We already have photinia robusta along two fencelines to give privacy.
And Magnolia Little Gems, box hedge, an…

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
How big will these Lilly Pilly plants grow? Leave in pots?

I found a "bargain" today... or so I thought.
Two pots of Syzgium australe (Brush Cherry) and a pot Acmena smithii (Lilly Pilly). $10 each plant and they're about a metre…

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Alfresco blinds - PVC or mesh?

Thanks! Hadn't even considered them. I'm thinking they're incredibly expensive if our indoor plantation shutters are anything to go by!
Will investigate though...

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Alfresco blinds - PVC or mesh?

We have an alfresco that is overlooked by neighbors. It feels like they're looking at us all the time!
After doing all we can, planting fast growing hedges, trees, etc. we…

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Pls help us choose the perfect tree/shrub! Adelaide Hills

They are a beautiful plant!
But how would they tolerate frost and having wet feet half of the year?

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Pls help us choose the perfect tree/shrub! Adelaide Hills

We have a garden area adjacent to our alfresco that is approx 2m wide from pavers to fence.
Photinia Robusta has been planted along the fence to screen neighbors and we…

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Sir Walter Buffalo - "generic" soft leaf buffalo as good?

Just popped back in to say we laid our Sir Walter...
And it's looking brilliant! So far so good.
What a difference it's made to our backyard. The kids love it …

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Sir Walter Buffalo lawn suitable in frosty regions?

Thanks Fu!
I think we're on the right track with soil prep so all should be good :D

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Sir Walter Buffalo lawn suitable in frosty regions?

We're going to lay lawn this weekend. We live in the Adelaide Hills which has mild-medium frosts.
Would you advise against laying Sir Walter Buffalo?
We're getting such mixed advice from turf…

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Sir Walter Buffalo - "generic" soft leaf buffalo as good?

We're about to lay turf next weekend and had planned on buying Sir Walter Buffalo but a friend has given us the name of a company that does a soft…

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Solar Hot Water - which one to chose?

I think it was around $6000 to install the Hills evacuated tube system in our new house. Don't quote me though! This included a discount RECS rebate. As you would…

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Drainage issues - pics included

First time sharing pics on here so here goes...
We have drainage issues at the front of our house. We thought we'd done the right thing by…

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Retaining wall with no plastic sheeting - incorrect?

We had a contractor retain 1m High x 30m along the side of our house. He didn't use plastic sheeting behind the wall, telling us (read, "insisting") it was unnecessary.…

14 years14 yearsRoarRoar posted:
Fast growing screen plant/hedge - NOT pittosporum?

Thanks Lex and themax!
Really like those darker, glossy leaves and the flowers are nice too.
Did a bit of Googling and found that Viburnum odoratissimum 'Emerald Lustre' perhaps isn't very frost…

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