Builder wants Bonaire I want Actron
A Bonaire Ducted RC and and Actron are worlds apart from each other. If the Bonaire system is something such as a BO18HD it is a basic fixed speed system.…

cooler questions
Have a look at the above discussion, the brands are discussed a fair bit in there. Running costs are very hard to determin. Electrical you need…

Evaporative ducted cooling + flat roof
You can use wall registers (wide outlets) if the ceiling is higher in the extension than in the rest of the home. If not the only other option would be…

Two sided Gas Fireplaces
Regency P121 is a cheaper option for a double sided gas fire, they retail for around $6000, install on these is tricky though so install costs wont be cheap. Looks…

3 phase or single phase
In a lot of circumstances you can put a single phase unit on 3 phase power, not always a good idea but alot of the time its doesnt cause any…

Rinnai Energysaver gas heaters
Yeah no worries. They are very good but not very popular for some reason. I work at a heating and cooling shop over in perth and I have sold 2…

Split System Good Reputations ?
I would say Mitsiubishi H.I, Panasonic, Hitachi or Daikin I would say.
I have heard good things about Fujitsu but also heard alot of people complaining about when it does…

Rinnai Energysaver gas heaters
These are very good. The can be installed with the flue straight out the wall, under the floor or up through the roof. If you want a plug and play…

New home - evap cooling
Yeah fair enough then your more bias than me. They are not a cheap easy sale either over here, they are around the same price if not more than all…

New home - evap cooling
And Brad75, Im guessing a sales person told you about the testing ect.,, or did you test it your self? You wouldnt believe things that other comapnys have said about…

New home - evap cooling
The testing is done by independent labs. the figures are not crap and they are not cheap units. They also test other brands too. If Breezeair are so good why…

New home - evap cooling
Also when we design a system there is 4 different size outlets. The biggest one can handle upto a 30m2 or 72m3 area. This is a 6 way 375x550mm outlet.…

New home - evap cooling
The only model that will do that sort of area that I know of is a Cool Breeze 255. This is designed to do 255m2. Its 17kws. It is the…

I don't get my dishwasher!!!
You need to buy a new dishwasher, Nobel are a cheap Generic brand, if you open up and look inside a Nobel, Vennini, Conia, Cheaper range of Delongi and even…

Retaining Wall Help
Hi guys,
Im in the middle of fixing up my back yard. I've got a retaining wall running the whole lenth around my garden. About 30 meters.
the problem is untill…

Is bigger better for evaporative cooling?
Its good to get a unit that can cool the whole house including bathrooms and luandry and hallways etc... not just living areas. Then if this is close to border…

evaporative cooling and coolbreeze question
Have a look at this thread
I do work for a company that sells cool breeze as well as others so you may think my opinion is bias but read what…

Evaporative Cooler: Brivis, Bonaire or Breezair?
I do sell them, I dont work for them directly. I do sell others too. Yes it might sound like a sales pitch but Im stating the facts, info you…

Evaporative Cooler: Brivis, Bonaire or Breezair?
Another word of advice. It best to buy a system that can handel your whole house including the laundry etc... That will provide ample power to cool the whole house…

Evaporative Cooler: Brivis, Bonaire or Breezair?
Also just to make you guys aware Brivis have just put out a recall on units sold from Aug 2001. It doesnt say the fault but they may malfunction and…