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South West W.A
Joined 13 September 2009
Gold Member
2 years2 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Edging for absolute matte different colour

Yes and it matches the fronts of the cabinets whereas the edging matches the inside.
What we found from our samples is that the absolute matte polar white is actually a…

2 years2 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Edging for absolute matte different colour

Sorry for the sideways pics šŸ˜Š

2 years2 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Edging for absolute matte different colour

Thanks chippy. They are going to come and take a look so will have to see what they say but if we had of known this was the result, I…

2 years2 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Edging for absolute matte different colour

Has anyone got or can anyone tell me if absolute matte edging is slightly different to the actual boards?
We have just had polar white in the absolute matte installed and…

3 years3 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Electrical and plumbing runs exposed to elements

Thanks šŸ™

3 years3 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Electrical and plumbing runs exposed to elements

Does anyone know if the electrical and plumbing runs are ok to sit out in the elements for a decent period of time?
I canā€™t seem to get an answer…

3 years3 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
White patches on slab

Thank you, a Google search wasnā€™t making it look good.

3 years3 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
White patches on slab

Thank you. Is this polishable? We paid a lot extra to upgrade our Concrete and have it laid ready for polishing.

3 years3 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
White patches on slab

Can anyone tell me what these white patches on our slab are from?
It was laid almost two months ago and now that we have finally had enough time to see…

3 years3 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Has anyone built on top of an existing retaining wall?

Hi Rizzo
I'm not an engineer but I can tell you that for many decades houses in Perth were built on limestone blocks that…

3 years3 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Has anyone built on top of an existing retaining wall?

Thanks, if it is in fact what is there, would you say that would suffice to hold a wall and roof load as well?
Council have basically wiped their hands of…

Has anyone built on top of an existing retaining wall?
3 years3 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Has anyone built on top of an existing retaining wall?

Yes we are not sure why we havenā€™t been consulted with this.
This is the only details the council will send me. The ā€œnoteā€ regarding the existing retaining wall is all…

3 years3 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Has anyone built on top of an existing retaining wall?

The retaining wall already there is 1.1metres high. I assume it was engineered as part of the subdivision but the builders engineer has come back as saying itā€™s adequate to…

3 years3 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Has anyone built on top of an existing retaining wall?

In this case the edge of the retaining wall is on the boundary and yep, council have confirmed there will be a parapet wall on the retaining wall.

3 years3 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Has anyone built on top of an existing retaining wall?

Out block is in a new estate and our neighbours block is a metre higher than ours and there is a limestone retaining wall which sits on their side but…

4 years4 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Engineering for polished concrete?

I have looked into that as an alternative but after several houses with tiles, Iā€™m not a fan of all the grout.

4 years4 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Engineering for polished concrete?

They wonā€™t let us, they wonā€™t upgrade the concrete unless we are getting polished concrete through them.
Our hands are tied and unfortunately itā€™s very important to us to have…

4 years4 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Engineering for polished concrete?

And our slab is already 100mm thick as standard, they are upgrading to 120

4 years4 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Engineering for polished concrete?

I am happy to pay, I donā€™t like being ripped off. The upgrade costs include all of what you have mentioned but then they are charging again for extra engineering.…

4 years4 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Engineering for polished concrete?

Thank you. All that is already on the list of reasons for the extra costs but Iā€™m confused as to why extra engineering is also on there when all these…

4 years4 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Engineering for polished concrete?

We are trying to do polished concrete in our new build but our builder will not let us do it out of contract and the price they have given us…

4 years4 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Help with different types of concrete floors

Hi. We have designed a house to be solar passive and as such, having concrete floors is a part of this.
We got some quotes that came in quite reasonable…

4 years4 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
300x300 tiles on walls

Just wondering if anyone has any pics or has used 300x300 tiles on the walls?
I know how amazing the large format tiles look in bathrooms but this build we are…

4 years4 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Absolute Matte $

It will just be white along the wall cabinets, the island is different so donā€™t have to worry there.
Thanks for your advice. I will wait to get the pricing and…

4 years4 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Absolute Matte $

Thanks Chippy, that's really helpful. The kitchen is next to a wall of windows, however there is a verandah there so not direct sunlight. There are high windows above though…

4 years4 yearsRizzoRizzo posted:
Absolute Matte $

Really! They didnā€™t mention that. Thanks for the info.

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