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91 Posts
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91PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 10 January 2010
Loyal Member
14 years14 yearsRissRiss posted:
Victory Blinds (Plantation Shutters)

Has anyone dealt with them? We are about to accept and sign off on a quote and I just need some reassurance before we fork out all the money.

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Eminence Estate at Doreen

I don't know if anyone else had realised but Eminence is now officially sold out! ::hyst::

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Boral Mocha Bricks

Has anyone used Boral Mocha? I would be interested to see it on a completed house and find out what Mortar was used?

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Post your completed or near completed house photos!

GORGEOUS townhouse!!!!!!

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Post your completed or near completed house photos!

There's some beautiful houses on here guys!! You should be very proud :D

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Paint Colour - natural/earth tones etc

No one has had to paint their interior walls??? ::sad::

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Paint Colour - natural/earth tones etc

Thanks, I am actually after an internal wall colour, i.e. hog bristle, Grand Piano but nothing yellow :D

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
A & E's Panorama - Settling in... and LOVING it!

Very exciting Erin!! Can't wait to be at that stage. Can I ask who your SS was?

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Paint Colour - natural/earth tones etc

Can anyone recommend a wall colour that will go with Red Terra and Taubmans Manhattan and Taupe Stone? We after something for the entire wall colour throughout the house…

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Feature Walls

OK, great thanks. We are trying to stick to the same colour scheme throughout the house :D

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Feature Walls

Do you think it's strange to have the same colour feature wall in more than one room, i.e. we ware building double storey and I want the same colour in…

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Plantation Shutters Melbourne

Thanks Stormy, I will check them out. That's one I hadn't even heard of!! :D
Oh and thanks for moving to windows!

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Plantation Shutters Melbourne

Ok, thanks. Can you purchase them made though or are they DIY??

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Eminence Estate at Doreen

Gee, I really hope that is NOT the case as having a school in our estate was a real selling feature for us. We are intending on staying in…

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Plantation Shutters Melbourne

Sorry if this is in the wrong area. Does anyone have any recommendations for Plantation Shutters in Melbourne, who did you use, costs, service etc

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Building and the Mortgage

The construction loan yes, trying to work out if we will be paying two mortgages at once or do we start paying the new house once the building has finished.

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Extra costs for things like blinds etc

Hi everyone, we are trying to work out how much extra savings we need to have for once the building is finished for things like blinds, landscaping etc etc?
Without being…

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Colour staining furniture

Sorry for all the strange questions today guys! does anyone know the cost of staining furniture? I know it would depend on the items etc but is this an…

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Mahogany Bay

Has anyone purchased anything from these guys? We are looking at buying a home office suite and any feedback would be appreciated.

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
How Long - Double Storey?

Hi everyone, we are just wondering how long it took to build from start to finish? We are building a double storey Henley home

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Choosing a builder in Doreen (Melbourne) HELLPP

Hi Luke...haha! We purchased in 7 on Pinnacle Views, you??
Fall is 1.4m. Henley have been OK so far, will see once we start building!!! We are…

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Choosing a builder in Doreen (Melbourne) HELLPP

I just wanted to say we have also just bought in Eminence and my partners name is Luke too and we are also on top of the hill!! Haha
We decided…

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
Building and the Mortgage

What did everyone do re the mortgage, did the bank pay it all out in one hit and when did the repayments start etc?? ::wornout::

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
What colour windows with this??

Yes, the window surrounds. If anyone has seen the Majestic at Caroline Springs that's why I am talking about. The render will be a cream/beige colour, it's just…

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
What colour windows with this??

That's the actual framing around the windows, like a decorative box

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
What colour windows with this??

Yep, I can't attach it :(
It's a Daniel Robertson Brick called Hawthorn Black and has burgundy frames. So basically a tan colour with…

15 years15 yearsRissRiss posted:
What colour windows with this??

What colour windows (except timber) do you think would go with this brick and frame colour?? We don't want timber as it's harder to maintain and we are building…

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