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Joined 14 January 2019
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4 years4 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Clarendon Fairmont 35, hamptons facade

Clarendon do promos all the time so there will be something come up. Call Trevor at the Pallara estate and he will let you know what's coming.
Good luck with…

4 years4 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Building with Clarendon in Brisbane

Fairmont 35 was 450k including demolition of the old house, landscaping, fencing, 8x4m pool and upgrades.

4 years4 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Complying development approval help please

First, what state are you in?
Second, it's depends what zone you're in, whether you have an relevant overlays or if the local council have triggers for building work.
Most properties…

4 years4 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Two dwellings under one roof?

Hey mate,
Unless you want a secondary dwelling which is stipulated to be a ancillary dwelling to the primary house, captured on the same title and used by extended family, you…

4 years4 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Harrington - AusBuild

I like it. Looking forward to seeing the exterior paint and balustrade in.

4 years4 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Grind down waffle pod surface.

Is this a brand new home?
If so, I'd be putting that back on your builder stat!

4 years4 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Clarendon Fairmont 35, hamptons facade

After 12 months of talking about it we are finally getting the front fence done.
I'm using White rhino PVC in Brisbane, installed by showcase landscapes.
I'll post more images as…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Knockdown rebuild- Clarendon Hamilton 36

Yay. Looking forward to pics

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Coral Homes - Noosa 23MK11- North Brisbane

Tiling is the exciting bit!

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Is a building inspector worth it during construction?

Qld sorry :( but there's plenty of forums here with suggestions. I got mine of a Homeone forum in Qld

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Is a building inspector worth it during construction?

I built with Clarendon who is the parent company for Domaine. They were great and I loved building with them, but even they missed stuff at every stage which was…

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Has anybody built with Monster Homes?

I know a friend who built with them in Wynnum. Had nothing to say but great things. Said that they were super quick.
I got them to price up a build…

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Thomas Archer Bayside Build

We had something similar where the property connection for the old house (that got demoed) was under a 6x6 shed that was on the block when we bought the house.…

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Pool near a revetment wall

In queensland we have two triggers for revetment walls.
1. A town planning trigger (only in some councils) - where structures are required to submit plans show structural impact on the…

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Inground pool already filled in - problems

Few moving parts here:
It's unclear if the water in the image is because of the soil type and the depression in the ground OR if the ground is failing to…

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Grass problems

If you've watered it and it's still on coming good than its likely you got grubs mate.
I cooied and pasted this advice from my response in another forum...
Hit your lawn…

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Clarendon Hawthorne 33 - Brisbane metro

Following. Keen to see how this is progressing :-)

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Clarendon Fairmont 35, hamptons facade

Thanks! And no. The only survey I did was an ident survey to mark the boundary so the builder put the house in the right location.

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Clarendon Boston 36, hamptons brick facade

Following. Looking forward to seeing your build :)

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

You'll probably want the ducted upgraded, or run prewire and install a decent unit after handover. The standard unit is not great in terms of efficiency and noise.
We upgraded…

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
What is wrong with my Lawn

You got grubs mate.
Hit your lawn with a bag of Scott's - lawn builder, grub and insect (red bag) from Bunnings.
It's got Bifenthrin as the active ingredient which will knock…

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Clarendon Fairmont 35, hamptons facade

Hey mate,
Thanks for the props. We are extremely happply with the build and the outcome. Clarendon were great to build with. You should have a really positive experience.
I've used Brad…

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Buying land with 2m fill

If the developer provides a compaction certificate (preferably level 1) that means that regulated/clean fill has been imported that has been monitored by an RPEQ engineer as it has been…

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Site Cost

Just check if it's a provisional sum. At 25k it'll likely be a worst case scenario if it's provisional.
If it's fixed, its a different story

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Site Cost

Half the time only 10k or so is fixed and the remainder is provisional. My site costs were about 25-26k and I got back over 10k because there were no…

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Battle Axe Block

If you mean does the m2 of my access handle contribute in terms of something like site cover (50% of the total m2) than yes.
What does your title search say?…

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Hamptons double-storey Melb - back landscaping stage 2

unreal! thanks for sharing

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Non compliant site levels / elevations - Help please!!

Kate3079 you need work out if you builder has not complied with the approved building plans, or if your certifier has not not complied with the town planning approval, then…

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Non compliant site levels / elevations - Help please!!

Build-expert whilst I agree with you, not everybody is aware that they can use a independent inspector - and to be honest, I don't think an inspector would be looking…

5 years5 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Storm water path affecting future developement

No problem. That option also works :-)

Joined homeone
14 January 2019

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