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KDR Metricon Hampshire Provincial Melb
Joined 30 December 2016
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3 years3 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
KDR Metricon Liberty - Hampshire 45 QLD

Selected the 300 series windows with double glazed for the whole house.
Doors were taller to suit the high ceilings and wider to better access when moving.

3 years3 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Building with Metricon – Vantage 44 + Granny - in West Penna

Thanks for the mentioned.
Glad my thread was useful to you guys. Reach out of you have any other queries.

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Plasterer's Thoughts?

They won't do anything unless you stand 2.5m front of it, no light source how you have it there and you can spot the issue within about 2 seconds of…

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
KDR Metricon Liberty - Hampshire 45 QLD

Good to see you are still on the forum mate.
How's the house going ? Any issues with the M build after living in it for a few years now?

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb

If you know the exact brand and model that you want, you can send the specs to Metricon and they will build out the cabinetry to fit the appliances.

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Installing Security Cameras and Rolling Shutter in Hebel Hom

I installed Dahau security camera on our Hebel walls without any issues. CCTV and outdoors lighting fixtures are ok on Hebel

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Data Cabling - Hampshire 45A - Metricon

You may notice the humming of the fan from the server and the switch that could be annoying.

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Data Cabling - Hampshire 45A - Metricon

Yes. There a data point for the NBN.

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb

It was an update. Will have to check what the variations are.

My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb
4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Building the Waldorf Grange by Porter Davis

Can I ask how much that cost you?

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
light switch orientation: landscape or portrait?

They made the same error in our build. Had them replace them to vertical as stated in our contract.

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

Agree with you but what do you use to light the floor and living areas?

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

We moved ours from 1100mm to 1400mm during our consultation and the consultant was surprised that we thought about it and said we were the first person to do that.…

5 years5 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Metricon Sentosa 52 Modified

Do u mind sharing that the total cost to setup the theatre?

3 years3 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb

Yes. I am glad to pushed for the machine cut and paid extra to get it done. Don't know how a anyone can cut it free hand and get…

3 years3 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Metricon Home Network Lite - any good ?

Ask Metricon how much an extra data point and TV point?
At the time we build they were between $60-$100 for a data point. So the package doesn't seem that…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Carlisle changes beyond what salesperson says is possible

That's was one of the reasons we didn't go with them and stuck with Metricon

3 years3 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
KDR Metricon Liberty - Hampshire 45 QLD

We can't imagine what it will be like being in Melb lockdown in our hold house.
So glad we finished the build and landscaping and got to enjoy it now.

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb

Dulux Doe paint.

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb

We decided to get our own branded application put in host handover. Metricon gave us a small credit for the standard application inclusion.
Vzug the brand that we selected.

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
KDR - Rawson Balmoral (Modified) Sydney NSW

Very cool links to the photos.
Can I ask how it was done ?

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Building with Metricon

How did you find out that they skimp on it ?

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Redstone (Sunbury, Vic)

Agree. We only used the gas for the fireplace on the winter days. In return we have to pay for a connection fee through out the year.

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Data Cabling - Hampshire 45A - Metricon

I provision 2 Access Point on the ground floor ans 2 AP on the top floor. They are POE so no power required.
These days the Mesh wifi system are…

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Data Cabling - Hampshire 45A - Metricon

That's Metricon default location for the double storey house when we had our electric appointment with them.
If you aren't going to have a rack ans server running then it's…

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Data Cabling - Hampshire 45A - Metricon

I have all my data return in the garage. Just in front of the entry into the house.
Pre-run for the data rack.

Data Cabling - Hampshire 45A - Metricon
4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Building the Waldorf Grange by Porter Davis

Are you happy with the work and the colour selection?

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

I don't like dark looking homes so we between 4-6 downlights for the center of the room, under mounted lights inside the over head cabinets and featured downlights on the…

4 years4 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Ensuite bath vanity light advice

We have it in locations. The new LEDs comes with a defuser to soften the light and spread the light compared to the older halogen downlights.

Ensuite bath vanity light advice
5 years5 yearsRenmanRenman posted:
Doing floor tiles post handover

You just need to know what types of tiles and the thickness. So that the flooring around the house can be levelled with the wet areas, carpet areas and doors…

  ⋅  1
Joined homeone
30 December 2016

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