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Joined 23 February 2007
Gold Member
11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
Porter Davis homes

Your stove was centered to the rear bench in the original drawings and is centered in the contract drawings, it has changed position as you extended the rear cabinetry ?…

11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
Porter Davis homes

ahhh, I would say you are right :oops: I kept looking at it and it was bugging me !

11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
Porter Davis homes

Is your Island bench level ? From the picture it looks like the right side is higher then the left ! You can barely see your cabinetry on the right…

11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
Building the Sandarah 45T with Porter Davis - Lock Up

Welcome to Eynesbury ! We have been here for 18 months and love it !
The Sandarah is a beautiful home :)

11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Liquid chalk may a good alternative ?

11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
Burbank Home in Eynesbury

We purchased land in 2010,our home was completed in September 2012 and we have been here since, we love it !

11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
Burbank Home in Eynesbury

You're bricks are sitting there patiently waiting !
We're just around the corner from you :D

11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
CountryHome's country build pg 16 we are in!! :)

Reece do this range
http://www.reece.com.au/bathrooms/produ ... hen/bastow
which is a more modern version of the taps you are looking at.

11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
Show me your kitchen...

No probs at all :D As far as I understand undermount sinks are not available with Laminate. You can get overmount sinks without the…

11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Hi Emy, the stools are from Fantastic Furniture :D

11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Can't believe it has us so long to get the pendant lights up, but here they are :D

Show me your kitchen...
  ⋅  1
11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
Pools - Melbourne

We used The Pool Place in Deer Park. Are very happy with the end result. They do both concrete and fibreglass. Ours is fibreglass 4.4m x 9.5m with solar heating,…

11 years11 yearsrellierellie posted:
Porter Davis homes

yes, you can remove items during your contract :) structural items cannot be changed.

12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
Are my plantation shutters defective?

If you close them the other way not as much light will get through ! That may help ?

12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
Need some help...can't decide!!

In our previous home we had Quickstep, in this home we have the Bolero.

  ⋅  1
12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
Need some help...can't decide!!

I have had laminate flooring in two homes and have always wet mopped. I just make sure the water is hot so it dries quickly, I also make sure the…

  ⋅  1
12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
Rear Master Bedroom Floorplans

Porter Davis Homes in Vic have the Houston

12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
Porter Davis homes

We used these as temporary window coverings. $59.95 for 6 and free shipping. They come in light filtering (white) and blockout (black). I was really happy with them.

12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
UTF "bolero" Europlank anyone?

Hi Mrs T12,
We have the rustic coffee. I am really happy with the quality and how they look. They are a bugger to keep clean though, every bit of dust…

UTF "bolero" Europlank anyone?
12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
Porter Davis homes

You need to contact PD to organise your 12 month inspection.

12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
alfresco to side or back

Would be good to know what the orientation of your block is.
In saying that I would go for the first one. The alfresco on the second is quite deep…

12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
Land Fall - Send help!

Is the land titled ? Have you got a photo of the block ? I haven't come across figures that high either.
But usually that measurement is in meters which is…

12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
Land Fall - Send help!

They are going by the finished surface levels. The fall goes from the rear right corner to the front left, there is approx 5m diffference between the two figures. Usually…

12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
Understanding land

Setback also depends on building envelopes that are applicable to the lot if it is a new development. The developer will be able to advise you of this.

12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
What are my rights?

Contact your conveyancer/solicitor who dealt with your land purchase, the details of the rebate/deposit conditions should be in your land contract. The developer (Villawood) is paying the rebate not your…

12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
Our Grandview 37 Toowoomba - We have KEYS! + Some Pics

They're beautiful Tash !
I hope everything is working out for you, the end of a build can be incredibly stressful, you are so close to being in but so…

12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
Porter Davis homes

The wattyl site advises (under the architect and specifiers tab) that Flokati has been discontinued and the closest match is Dhimba.

12 years12 yearsrellierellie posted:
Bushfire Zone ? Doreen/Mernda?

You can check if a lot you are looking at is in a designated bushfire zone in Victoria here:
http://services.land.vic.gov.au/landcha ... sIntro.jsp
Enter the address you want to…

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