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819 Posts
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Joined 4 June 2014
Gold Member
7 months7 monthsdottydotty posted:
Sourcing cheaper priced paint?

Not sure. Maybe 5-10L, but it's primarily for window frames & possibly outside door frames. I'll have to measure & try work out the m2.
For 5 - 10L, you've dwindled…

  ⋅  1
12 months12 monthschippychippy posted:
Liaison between owner builder and engineer

The engineering is the engineering. It's irrelevant how much material you have. Unless it fits the requirements of your design the engineer can't "make"it work.
You might have heaps of…

  ⋅  1
1 year1 yearSaveH2OSaveH2O posted:
$13,500 staircase and we get grade E timber.

Staircases and sausages.
Should thou wish to keep thy palate sweet for sausages, avert thine eyes from their crafting.

  ⋅  1
1 year1 yearAshington HomesAshington Homes posted:
In this forum we often rightly criticise builders....

Some good news to close the year out.
The bank paid us $154,000 yesterday! Only $32,000 to go now.
We negotiated with the client to finalise his OC to get the final…

  ⋅  5
1 year1 yearchippychippy posted:
Neighbours rights to house access during reno

The only thing to add to these comments is that where possible it's always good to try and work with people than just say "no" because you can.
Having someone build/renovate…

  ⋅  1
1 year1 yearAshington HomesAshington Homes posted:
Progress Payments - Flood rebuild

I love reading your posts, and I agree with 99.9% of your advice, but in this case with a complicated remodel, I think a higher number of smaller progress payments…

  ⋅  3
1 year1 yearAshington HomesAshington Homes posted:
Beacon Lighting 20% Discount

Not sure but they are super easy to issue so if they run out I can just re-issue new ones. And there is no limit to the amount that can…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsqriusqrius posted:
Building & Developing A Duplex In North Ryde

ATO has entered the chat :lol:

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  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsAshington HomesAshington Homes posted:
How I lost $100,000 and why I will never use steel frames

That comment was hilarious.
You brought sunshine into my day :)

  ⋅  2
2 years2 yearsAshington HomesAshington Homes posted:
Building & Developing A Duplex In North Ryde

Hi Everyone
I can finally give a proper update.
So the great news is that we exchanged contracts unconditionally yesterday on the RHS unit for $2,462,500.
We are told that this is the…

  ⋅  4
2 years2 yearsSJT76SJT76 posted:
Porter Davis

It does, but I think it comes from this: https://www.vba.vic.gov.au/__data/asset ... -Order.pdf
I know my Master Builders Victoria contract covers this in clause 5 as well.

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsAshington HomesAshington Homes posted:
new concrete driveway crack

When you get a chance watch the last couple of videos. The cracks are pretty bad, it's almost as though he hasn't put any reo in that corner and hasn't…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsMetcomMetcom posted:
Building Surveyor and Inspections

Here you go, to save you some time as you seem entirely incapable of acting in a professional way and so I assume are equally incapable of doing some basic…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearschippychippy posted:
Ceiling heights with Metricon (2550, 2700)

I still stand by the fact that you could not tell the difference in 20-40mm in those ceiling heights.
I'm a carpenter, I measure things all day and I couldn't tell…

  ⋅  2
2 years2 yearsAshington HomesAshington Homes posted:
Replacing a fence during construction

Often it is easier to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission :)
Knowing your builder they probably wont notice anyway
I just had another thought. Safework have…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsbalmainboybalmainboy posted:
House frame not plumb!

Thanks @ponztwo . That's helpful advice.

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2 years2 yearschippychippy posted:
Side Setbacks

Thanks . So if my garage doesn’t have a window in the side facing the neighbour then I can put it 400mm off the boundary? There is a retaining wall…

  ⋅  1

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