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Joined 8 July 2014
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6 years6 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Faux muntins for my windows

I’m keen to install some muntins (colonial bars) on my front window. Saw a beautiful display home with same window as mine only theirs had some muntins on the top…

9 years9 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Impressions vs Dreamstart

Hey there,
We built with Dreamstart and moved into our house a year ago. The build was easy and fast but I had an efficient and friendly Site Supervisor and I…

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Update 2 yrs on: Build with Dreamstart homes

What's the latest Sofia???

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Yanchep RedInk build...Keys - and fence!

Oh WOW!!!
Fan-bloody-tabulous Mal!!!
Totally in love with your cabinets, and love that Redink and your SS are so flexible and accommodating (tiling hobs and fireplace). That's the way a builder should…

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Update 2 yrs on: Build with Dreamstart homes

Wow Sofia it looks awesome you will be in there before you know it!!!
Re the bedroom blinds, given you need something immediately I do thoroughly recommend these block out blinds…

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Update 2 yrs on: Build with Dreamstart homes

Spotlight custom blinds are pretty good too I've heard. If you look out for one of their sales (they happen frequently) they have 30% off ready-made and custom-made curtains and…

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Update 2 yrs on: Build with Dreamstart homes

Oooh you've got similar bathroom tiles to us Sofia!
Hahaha The Lonely Gate. I'm with Malsannie, charge a fee for your work of art!
Getting close now!!! It all looks great.

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Still filling, painting and unpacking : )

So, today I'm driving home along Wanneroo Road and I notice a HGWA car swerving all over the road. I'm following this guy because I sure as hell fire don't…

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
KEYYYSSS!! 14/10/15 ~ First Home, Alkimos WA

Ps I feel your pain re the stuff your hubby is going through we just had the same thing happen. Six weeks we've gone without pay and we had to…

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Yanchep RedInk build...Keys - and fence!

Congrats on lock up hun!!!!

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Building with Dreamstart Homes perth

Looks great! PCI around the corner woo hoo!
Wow that is a really short list of things left to do after handover- lucky you! Unfortunately we had six weeks of no…

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Yanchep WA Build with Dreamstart (PLANTER AND LETTERBOX)

I'll keep telling myself that Sofia! It's a helluva lot cheaper though! Ours cost about $350 and a lot of time....

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Aussie Living - AMBERTON - Moved in - Decor & Garden

Woop woop instant garden looks fantastic Justin!

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Yanchep WA Build with Dreamstart (PLANTER AND LETTERBOX)

Hmmm am actually going for low plants and am staying away from the architectural ones. I'm a big fan of "messy" contemporary plants that will hang over the edge and…

5 years5 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Faux muntins for my windows

Thank you! I’m sorry, I didn’t see your reply until now 👍

8 years8 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Yanchep WA Build with Dreamstart (PLANTER AND LETTERBOX)

Been 18 months since the build and time to finalise some unfinished subjects in this thread...
The front garden, one year old:

The wardrobe in Bed 1
After (doors not installed yet):
Fits a…

  ⋅  1
10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Still filling, painting and unpacking : )

Photos Sharry! Your audience demand photos! You know the rules- it ain't real until you can show us

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Yanchep RedInk build...Keys - and fence!

I have to go back FIVE PAGES to see photos?!
Sheesh! Malsannie you are just too popular!
Be back when I've caught up on the news five of so pages back...

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Still filling, painting and unpacking : )

New brickie well why didn't they just do that when it was established the original guy was sh!te haha!
Congrats that's awesome news hun xoxo

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Still filling, painting and unpacking : )

I wrote to the HGWA office with my complaint and they responded with an apology and promise the driver would be reprimanded. Whether they took it seriously or not we…

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
HAND OVER COMPLETED 24/11/2015 Alkimos WA, Trinity(atelier v

Looks awesome! Place is huuuuuuge!

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Yanchep RedInk build...Keys - and fence!

Wow it's going so fast now! Seems like yesterday you were waiting for sign of movement on site and now you're practically finished!!!!
Nice job on the soak wells! We're…

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Wellard WA Build with Dreamstart Homes [PCI & Handover]

It looks lovely JJ!!!!! Beautiful selections!

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Still filling, painting and unpacking : )

Exactly what I was thinking Malsannie!!!! Well said!

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Yanchep WA Build with Dreamstart (PLANTER AND LETTERBOX)

That's it! I'm sold! Orange Jessamine hedge is the one for me!
Your garden sounds gorg Rache! I love pink but have to stay away from it out the front…

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
KEYYYSSS!! 14/10/15 ~ First Home, Alkimos WA

Light floors are great, I just recall my brother (at that time with black and white checked floors) urging me to never get white because every single mark shows up…

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Building with Dreamstart Homes perth

Oh and p.s. That's great that they came to the party with the DPO in your kitchen.

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Home Group WA - WE ARE IN!

Well well HGWA brick layers strike again.
That totally sux for you, I'm really sorry. Why do they think it's ok to stuff people around?! HGWA are bullies in my book.…

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Yanchep WA Build with Dreamstart (PLANTER AND LETTERBOX)

Oh my gosh Bunnings have finally started selling a pre-made one!!!!
Omg it's so much cheaper than anything else, including how much it cost to build it ourselves. $99!!!!
Soooooo annoyed!

10 years10 yearsPerthAussie2014PerthAussie2014 posted:
Building with Dreamstart Homes perth

Oh wow but hang on. They provide 1 DPO as standard per room but I'm positive it's two in the kitchen, or 1DPO and 1GPO for the fridge. So are…

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