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Joined 19 January 2018
Loyal Member
1 year1 yearPatrickPatrick posted:
Steel sheds. Worth going one with steel frame?

I am wanting some opinions about the build of a steel shed
I am going to get one about 4.5 x 2.5 m steel shed and the height will be about…

3 years3 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
How would I install an alfresco Rangehood here?

I am Melbourne based
We plan to install a bbq bench and rangehood ( the pergola area here will eventually be enclosed so smoke will be a big problem)
The problem is…

3 years3 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Anyone had to take neighbors to court fence?

I am a lovely neighbour. You need grab a facts pill. Read the date of the post and check the responses and info given
The neighbour never paid after 3 years…

4 years4 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Fence with 200mm gap to garage

haha havent checked yet cant see !
Yeh ill check tomorrow ;)

4 years4 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Outdoor kitchen / bbq area ideas

Look nice yeh. High maintenance though ? Cant go too higher either. How higher do you you have to put decking boards on top of a concrete floor?

4 years4 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Outdoor kitchen / bbq area ideas

We are looking at doing up outdoor pergola area . The whole area is under cover with a pergola and concreted
Things we need to do and want to add:


4 years4 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Fence with 200mm gap to garage

We just blocked ours with some fence palings. Wont stop grass and growth but at least you wont see it

4 years4 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Removing cement stains off existing concrete floor

Any people good with concrete stuff here? I got some stubborn cement stains when we poured some extra concrete around the house. Some cement stains are on the old concrete…

4 years4 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Connecting Storm water drain to existing pipe

Hey guys
Me and a friend are doing some concreting under our pergola. His more a handy man then me, but I am trying to find out some info to do…

5 years5 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Sasco Installed door split door frame but denying it

The reason for the heated argument is because the guy was the most arrogant person I have ever spoken to. He would ask me a question and then about 5…

5 years5 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Sasco Installed door split door frame but denying it

Hi guys
I just had a heated argument with the manager at Sasco.
We just bought a new home. The house is only 4 months old
The previous owners built it then…

Sasco Installed door split door frame but denying it
5 years5 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Renovate standard ceiling to high cathedral ceiling?

We like a house but my wife's ideal dream home is to have high cathedral ceilings
the house we like doesnt have that ( one we are looking to buy)
Is it…

5 years5 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Door hitting toilet - doorstop?

Could you take a photo please of what you used? I have the same problem
Dont really want to drilll into the tiles as it might crack

5 years5 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
200mm dead space between my boundary and neighbour boundary

Thanks for constructive input. I may be over worrying about it.
I mean on paper it says that. But It could be a big headache to do that in practice…

5 years5 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
200mm dead space between my boundary and neighbour boundary

See above. Its more of later if I want to sell the block. I paid for x amount of land I want to sell the same X amount of land.…

5 years5 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
200mm dead space between my boundary and neighbour boundary

Umm yeh of course. Later down the track if I try to sell it. I will be selling land short of what I paid for

  ⋅  1
5 years5 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
200mm dead space between my boundary and neighbour boundary

Yes and its got nothing to do with me signing my plans, My builder have set my house up in the correct position. ITs where and how the neighbours house…

5 years5 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
200mm dead space between my boundary and neighbour boundary

I have a question here that raises a concern. The left hand side of my house I have recently built has 200mm space between the brick of the garage on…

200mm dead space between my boundary and neighbour boundary
6 years6 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Liquidated Damages to client

My builder has gone over their completion date and has paid me some liquidated damages. Which is fine. They have calculated the damages they paid me from the proposed completion…

6 years6 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Anyone had to take neighbors to court fence?

Some people shouldn't be able to purchase vacant land because Patrick might move in next door??
Seems like a good plan.
Worst neighbour ever.
So he’s done everything right and as a last…

6 years6 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Anyone had to take neighbors to court fence?

Nope, this is actually my 3rd house and gotten along with all my neighbours. They were all ok with sharing costs of fence and vice versa which I needed to…

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Anyone had to take neighbors to court fence?

I wouldnt bother man... his not getting it

  ⋅  2
6 years6 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Anyone had to take neighbors to court fence?

lol Im calm as :)

6 years6 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Anyone had to take neighbors to court fence?

Not responding to 5 letters about a structure that everyone has to build? Not a nice way to start of the neighbor relationship either
MMM maybe ill just pay for everyone's…

6 years6 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Anyone had to take neighbors to court fence?

If it will cost me thosounds to go to court I wont bother going to court
ill just wait as long as possible
I have been to local magistrates court before and…

6 years6 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Anyone had to take neighbors to court fence?

I will stick the fence up but Im not paying for their fence. WHy should I shout them 2 grand for their side of the fence? Ill be taking them…

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Anyone had to take neighbors to court fence?

about $4k
so ill be out of pocket 2k
It will be going all around the house

6 years6 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Anyone had to take neighbors to court fence?

The estate requires a certain type of fence which I need to build and so do they.
Im not building any type of fence I want
they cannot choose their own type…

6 years6 yearsPatrickPatrick posted:
Anyone had to take neighbors to court fence?

I am building in a brand new estate
My house in my stage is one of the first ones to be completed
2 of my neighbours are mid-way construction
and 2 of them…

Joined homeone
19 January 2018

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