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Joined 28 February 2013
Gold Member
6 years6 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Our Bordeaux 56 Build in Sydney

That's for pest control.

6 years6 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Can someone identify this style of driveway

Ok, with some help from another person I have discovered what this method is called and how they do it. It is sprayed onto the driveway and is called;
Spray Fleck…

6 years6 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Can someone identify this style of driveway

Just looking at it more, is it possible to have been painted on?

6 years6 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Can someone identify this style of driveway

Thanks for the quick reply, doing some searching on terrazzo just then shows mostly exposed aggregate like pebbles where the driveway the photos were of didn't have any sort of…

6 years6 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Can someone identify this style of driveway

Could someone identify what type of concreting this is? It kind of looks like paint has been splattered on it but can't find anything online with the descriptions I provide.

7 years7 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

FYI anyone looking to build, allow at least 9months for the admin process.

  ⋅  2
7 years7 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

In terms of timelines, I'm still building at the moment but, within 3 months we have completed

- Slab
- Frame
- Roof
- Hebel
- Rendering
Not sure how that compares to everyone else's…

7 years7 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Thanks all, windows were delivered this week. Not as bad as I thought, I'll still change them after handover though.

7 years7 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Thanks for that, that was what we were wanting. It's a pain because it will be cheaper to change it after the fact rather than pay Mojo the variation cost.

7 years7 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Windows, council doesn't care what mirrors and show screens I have.

7 years7 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Hi all,
Just a question, it appears we have to change the type of glass in our bathrooms, apparently going DA you can't have clear but going CDC you can…

7 years7 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Horizon Homes

If you can find the person on this forum, there is someone on here building a 60sq house with Roselea I would expect they would be at least half way…

8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Corner shower is one way to do it as pictured above with a cavity slider. Not my thing though. We ran one sheet of glass across, no door, no frames…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Yep, we cut out space from wth WIP to put a shower downstairs. Only real way to make it fit.

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

We are doing these stairs and the price is pretty standard for project builders. To be honest, if you are building a Soul don't skimp out as it's the first…

8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

It's all relative to size but 60k generally gets the hole dug, concrete, plumbing, electrical and tiling.

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

From what I understand, even though Mojo are under the MJH umbrella they operate separately.
While I read about burnt out SS', and painful administration periods, they seem…

8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

While I sympathize I can understand the price increases. Building materials are much more expensive now, traddies are more expensive and your general inflation needs to be accounted for.
While a…

8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Sorry have gotten back on till today. How did you go with everything?

8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

So an update on my progress, building the Shieke Facade did my colours the other week. No issues on my end, I guess everything needs to be in writing people.…

  ⋅  3
8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Retracted vent will deal with Mojo first and see if they can resolve it.

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

7k to 12k for a third garage, depending on size and features. Eg roller door or standard swinging door access.

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

FYI Norwest Antennas did my last build for $350 no amp needed. So MyChoice is quite the rip off. Did anyone do flyscreens with Mojo and how did it compare…

8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Definitely startup a new thread if you will but I think you have now completly missed my point (as this wasn't 100mbit vs 1000mbit switch discussion) and it still remains…

8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

10mb is different to to 10mbps, I think you may be getting confused. A cheap switch would be a 100megabit switch. Once again do you think the user will have…

  ⋅  2
8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Apart from cheap switches being cable of having 10+mb throughput and my doubts of home users being able to flood the network with that amount of traffic. One of the…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Managed switches are for enterprise/businesses that give you more control of the network. They will be more expensive as well. So just look for unmanaged switches, really when it comes…

8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Good choice, some builders put them in and they use the small home hubs. The big ones are marginally better. I suggest one 24 port unmanaged switch and one 4…

8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

So they aren't actually going to be terminated? What do Mojo provide in their builds, one of those crappy small Hills Home Hubs? I can give you advice if I…

8 years8 yearsonggieonggie posted:
Mojo Homes

Wow what a rip off, CAT6 is easier to terminate than CAT5. Wonder how they justify that pricing. But like a bunch of other things I have found out are…

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28 February 2013

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