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Joined 16 July 2013
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11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Thanks DHAN and Riz, EBH have issued a credit for my WSC cost.
Saved me about $1000 which can be used on landscaping etc.
Thanks again

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Righto, I just PM'd you both as i'll be chasing my CSA up about this one

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Great to see people are still buying in the estate!
- Don't pay for NBN installation, most stage 1 and 2's are getting it for free
- Confirm where the sewer pipe…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Have a look through the land prices at the Grange as well.
Lot 116 (not sure if its sold or not) is 450m2 for $350,000
We locked in 500m2 for $295,000 which…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Yeah I would expect EBH to do so, they submitted to council that the house (well mine anyway) would have instant gas hot water. If they promise that's what is…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Ah finally we meet our other neighbour, I'm on Lot 13 with a Flagstaff 21. Also your brothers rear neighbour is a lady named Glenda. Feel free to send me…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Does anyone happen to have the site/plot map of the estate?
I remember our sales guy gave us one but its gone missing, I tried a but of searching but none…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

I think so, I remember the HSI guy saying "You have 5 days to make any more changes etc' and then there would be a charge
$250 probably

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

And yeah, we are across the road from you at 13.

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Once the land/estate is released, the council will release guidelines to your solicitor about the land/estate.
And then in there they mention the external fencing for corer houses (I think that's…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Yeah I think colourbond will be better, since our area is flood/fire-prone I don't think a wood fence would be a smart choice. Having to replace panels every few years…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Yeah I think she has, middle-aged couple I believe.
Then us on the corner

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

We are going with Loam. It was going to Chocolatto but we got scared that it would chip and look rubbish.
Has anyone been out to the land lately?

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Multicultural developments headlines don't sell papers, threat and anti-Muslim pieces do
Classic Daily Telly

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Yeah our Bank manager said the Grant is all fine and no time restrictions etc opposed to what EBH said.
Also just got the email saying the delay in the Land…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

We're also a first home buyer/builder, there are two forms that we filled in
One for 15K grant and the other is the Stamp Duty exemption.
I check the online portal…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

We're are retaining wall-free at the moment but I would assume it would be part of the fixed cost

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Was that an independent Test? or was that done with EBH? with the online access thing that EBH gives you our status has been sitting on that Soil Test for…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

We tried to get them to extend the maintenance period but EBH pretty much just said 'no'
Let us know if they change it for you.
Remember there is a lot of…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Awesome, another Flagstaff!
If they are making you pay, I would try and contest because you didn't ask them to lodge it so early on in the process when there was…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

I cant remember which one ours was but isn't this what the conveyance is for to confirm?
Ours says McHugh

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Cool, our EB CSA got back to me yesterday and said our solicitor will get details on estate rules from council down the track. We're on a corner so i'd…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

I have a feeling they are holding out for more sales for the land. If you check the EB site, they have recently listed 10 new blocks (100,101....). I remember…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Scoping out your neighbours eh? We're 13
Has anyone spoken to EB about fences and that stuff? is that another cost for us to pay?

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Thanks Marsh
I assumed it would be released January anyway because of the Christmas break etc. but if its Feburary then I guess that's just the way it is.
Who did you…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Green Package? We are building a SmartLiving (Red) home if that's what you mean.
My only thoughts is that because Schofields is already prepped for NBN, we are on Brighton Street…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

We got it for free :-)

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

I use to work with a company that did lighting installations and didn't have nice things to say about CBUS
I may be wrong but I believe that CBUS have a…

11 years11 yearsoliverseidenoliverseiden posted:
Anyone building at Eden Grange Riverstone?

Our budget for the whole kitchen was $6K but spent $8K
I guess it will depend on how big your kitchen is but $2200 sounds a familiar as I don't have…

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