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Joined 27 May 2011
Bronze Member
12 years12 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 3.0

Hi guys!!
Wow I have so much to catch up on! I will have to spend some time having a good read. I had a quick skim through and its awesome…

Masterton Homes - The new thread 3.0
13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

IT'S MOVING IN DAY ::lol:: ::lol:: ::lol:: and its raining ::angry::

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Just quickly sharing a few photos.
They are not good quality, took them with my phone and the case on it puts a black shadow on every photo, but they…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
What type of covering on sliding doors?

Tinting? I had never thought of that. Will give it some thought, thanks.

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
What type of covering on sliding doors?

I really need to make a decision on what to put on my sliding doors (4 of them).
Its really doing my head in ::wornout::

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Hi guys ::smile::
What a busy few days, havent had a chance to update.
We had PCI on Friday and it went well! PCI was at…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Oh thanks Novo! Cant wait to see some more pics, i know your being picked on but your one of the few that has finished and poor nugget and squashedrex…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Thanks guys. I cant believe we are finally at PCI! Thought it was never going to happen!
We have already got the 2 final invoices off Masterton and they are in…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
White blinds, and verticals, yay or nay?

(Posting here for more traffic)
We are having PCI in 2 days and I havent ordered my blinds yet ::wornout::
The windows have been measured…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

::lol:: ::celeb:: ::lol::

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

BTW Sheridan is much better design than Sherwood. The open ensuite of Sherwood is a joke! Imagine winter time it will be so cold as it is not enclosed, the…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Yes... I am way past it. Even taking from the day the slab was poured till now, it has been over 1 year. My contract says 34 weeks max. I…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Contract end date? How long was this for? Because mine has been going on for more than a year.... Does any know what the ramifications for the builder are if…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Hi Novo, what needs to be done before PCI? Are you going to make the PCI payment yourself to speed up handover?
As far as we can tell, whats left to…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

The SS also told me I am about a week and a half from completion so looking at PCI on 31st to 2nd August. Thats awesome cem!!
Well we are still…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Waiting on one shower screen, that is apparently unavailable from the supplier. Holding everything up.

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

TODAY is 24 weeks since our site scrape on 30 January. (And 48 weeks since we signed our contract).
Surely the end is near? Please.

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
PCI - what to look for?

Thank you - much appreciated :)

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
PCI - what to look for?

We are fast approaching PCI and I'm just after some advice from others who have built.
Any specifics to look for? Any tips for us?
And also, did you get an independant…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Anyone used Paradise Pools or Tranquility Pools?

Just after feedback about Paradise Pools or Tranquility Pools, particularly in the Newcastle/Hunter area.

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Hi guys,
Thanks for your kind words about my doggy.
squashedrex, good luck with getting your painting finished. sounds like a massive job. Let me know who you ended up getting for…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
White blinds

Hi guys,
My house is only a few weeks off completion and I need to order blinds.
I am getting roller blinds and panel glide blinds, probably in white.
My windows are Woodland…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

On Friday we had to say goodbye to our beautiful 16 year old Lab. Hardest day of my life.
We are completely heartbroken and struggling, but trying to remember the good…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Kitchen looks great! I like the raised part on the island (sorry don't know what the technical term is)! Was this part of the original design? Did you have to…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Novo it's looking amazing....wot colours did u use in kitchen...looks fantasic Cheers for that!
My kitchen colours:
Benchtop: Quantum Quartz Luna White
Doors: Createc Solid Gloss Ultra White
Island Bar Back: Createc Solid Gloss…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Novo, your house is looking beautiful. Lovely cool grey on the walls - very calming. Love the window at the end of your kitchen. Not long now I'm sure.

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Hi all,
Firstly Dani, I am so sorry about your puppy dog. That is very sad ::cry::
I have a 16 year old Lab X who…

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
How long council approval?

My plans took 8.5 weeks.
Every council is different. You could call them and get an update?

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Awww shucks thanks dont go to too much trouble LOL Dani! I didnt get over to the house, had a very busy weekend ::wornout::

13 years13 yearsNovoNovo posted:
Masterton Homes - The new thread 2.0

Yeah I think so Dani. I didnt take any photos in the kitchen, I'll try and get one tomorrow :)

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