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37 Posts
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Hornsby NSW
Joined 19 January 2017
Junior Member
6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Hi James,
Macro only does 2 inspections - Pre-lining (frame, brick), and PCI. I was not too happy with pre-lining as he completed the whole $600 inspection in one hour or…

6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Hi Andy,
I have used same inspector from Macro. He has listed a long list of issues, most are small, 2 requires bit of work. Rawson is saying, the inspection I…

6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Is there any strict guideline, after PCI how soon the handover should happen? I heard it should be max 10 working days.
In my case PCI was done on 10…

6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Hi Lux,
Some of our brick issues are getting fixed, some cannot be fixed, we have to live with that.

6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Hi ,
We are very close to PCI (Next week). Today, I have noticed that the brick finish is too bad, with many bricks chipped. Moreover, I found it concerning that…

6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

I have similar experience with Staircase. In internal selection, they totally messed up my selections about the look of Staircase I wanted, and that took me 1 month extra to…

6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Similar thing happened to me as they had to move the duct to one corner like yours. But for me it did not appear to be issue as it was…

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6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Hi lux,
I have upgraded the Island from 40mm to 80mm, costed 2k or bit more, also upgraded it to the next upgrade range. The upgrade cost also depends on size…

6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Hi Aib,
The SS said internal frame issues are fixed, however I have no way to verify as Internal lining was done thenafter.

6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Hi Luxbuild,
Yes they are AJ, Articulation Joint. I found issues with 5 to 6 AJ, one is fully missed, one is half height done, few are not continued at the…

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Our facade now looks like this.
We are at pre-lining stage.
We just had the Pre-lining inspection, my inspector found 30 odd issues, some of them are incomplete work, some are…

Rawson Homes - General Thread
6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
KDR with Rawson Homes - The Edge 39 - HANDOVER 26/9/16

Hi Steve, your floor looks gr8, it looks like Timber look tile, can you please confirm if it is, and the details colour/supplier etc.

6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
KDR with Rawson Homes - The Edge 39 - HANDOVER 26/9/16

Looking fantastic. So lively.

6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

It seems our slabs were poured similar time, mine was on 10 May 2018. I am also building Benham in Hornsby area.
Work is going damn slow.
I have got…

6 years6 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Hi Traben, Thanks for sharing that, my SS just got changed. After so much delay in construction till now, I don't know what I will get from the new SS.

NDDreamHome wrote:

Looking good. For me though time is not flying, it is literally crawling, my Brick took 5 weeks to complete.

6 years6 years
View: Rawson Homes - General Thread
7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Is there anybody in Rawson, we should approach apart from SS? Whom to complain on a higher lever, if not happy with SS?

7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

No, plan is fine. I found another issue with front door frame which differs from Plan. I am surprised how Rawson has such poor quality control, that they could not…

7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Just found the window is installed incorrectly, the top should be at the same height as the door, but it has gone 2 bricks up. Brick is just done…

Rawson Homes - General Thread
7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Rawsons construction is slower than my expectations. In 3 months 10 days (since I handed over the land), brickwork just started. After 2 days of brickwork the brickies disappeared.…

7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

The brick is Austral Symmetry Asphalt, is it an upgrade for $3999, and we have checked with Austral, the upgrade price is reasonable for a 2 Storey house.
Before selection we…

7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Good progress for us, the frame is complete, the carpenters did a pretty neat job. Bricks are delivered as well.

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7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

During my plan presentation, and also just after that, I have made so many changes in window sizes, most of them were free, some costed $50. However, at a…

7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Hi Guys, we are currently in Frame stage. Few days back, I have asked my SS about the Inspection Reports, and he said all reports will be provided at the…

7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Hi Steve,
Thanks for pointing out that and sharing your experience. I will talk to my Site Supervisor to see if they can do it better.

7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

After huge delay in admin and pre-construction phase, we finally have a slab now.
Perfect timing for rain from the very next day....

Rawson Homes - General Thread
7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

They gave me $2000 flat price for GF Square Set Cornice at Tender, I didn't include, during color selection they again told me it's 2000 for whole floor, then the…

7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Hi CG Scardycat, I am doing KDR in Hornsby Council (Sydney North Shore).
Some examples of there over-priced items:
Staircase with Vic Ash with standard baluster(with polish) - $12,200, Wisdom charged…

7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

Just sharing our experience. Started Tender process in April 2017 and here we are, still waiting for the selection to finish. Rawson has pis..ed me off in every stage.…

7 years7 yearsNDDreamHomeNDDreamHome posted:
Rawson Homes - General Thread

I am also in the process of getting Landscape Plan quote, I have received a pretty reasonable quote of 375/- from homeone.com.au Landscape section - https://yardlandscapedesign-sydney.homeone.com.au/

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