Solar Panels Instead Roof Tiles - Experiences?
And it didn't include install, gst or delivery!

Dumb waiter
resurrecting an old thread. Anyone got any experience? Still in the design and planning stage so want to get this right? How many dumb waiters is too many?

a dead end with suppliers Bondor
Hi Veseli
I've just seen your reply but your experience is entirely different to mine. Australia is a big country mate and not everyone has access to similar service levels. Mine…

Solar Panels Instead Roof Tiles - Experiences?
I'm currently in the design stage. Have been looking at Tractile but struggling to get in contact with anyone from the company. Would also love feedback re integrated PV from…

Theater rooms??
We have a setup to install but will be keeping it fairly low key and integrated into a family room. We will be including some minor sound insulation but some…

dining room pendant light vs fan location advice please
Look at the space your fan is capable of cooling. You should be able to work it out from the specs. This might enable you to change the location of…

sound, thermal and ventilation
Roof is about to go on here! I just need some help with working out some inconsistencies in my insulation.
We're wrapping walls in sarking and using highest rated standard cavity…

Wood fireplace in the hunter valley/newcastle
I'm in the Central Tablelands but found a Dixon heating in Albion Park to be the most helpful and cheapest in NSW even after freight. Their website isn't great but…

a dead end with suppliers Bondor
We've had to pull the pin on our build. To say I'm upset is understating things enormously but this is a complicated extension to an existing residence. Bondor have said…

a dead end with suppliers Bondor
we're using the SIPs for an addition and including habitable attic space so any future change within this current building envelope will be allowed within our engineering. The SIPs can…

Building warranty insurance
Hi is this still required? We are selling inside the statutory period in NSW from when we built but a building inspector friend is saying no inspection now required and…

Buying land that requires building contract
Are there design covenants? I have no experience with this but conditions of sale from a vendor are rare unless buying direct from the developer. They can try to enforce…

Solar Panels Instead Roof Tiles - Experiences?
I was quoted 3 prices but $550 psm for solar package which included Eclipse roof + 160Wp solar PV + pre-heated hot water + Eclipse roof battens. I honestly didn't…

Solar Panels Instead Roof Tiles - Experiences?
Tractile contacted me but I can't justify the cost. It is prohibitive considering my overall budget. Has anyone else considered using them? They look so good but the premium still…

Solar Panels Instead Roof Tiles - Experiences?
Cheers GLO. I will update if you can too please?

Wall coverings that aren't tile
I've used some of the offcuts from our Scyon Axon cladding as backsplash in kitchen and laundry areas and we love it so much I've decided to do same in…

Buried oil tank found on so called Vacant Building Block
It does sound quite unique but this is why we pay solicitors to do land searches. Titles and council information searches should be pulling this stuff up. I can't…

Theater rooms??
A theatre room without windows would end up pretty stinky and gross. Much like most theatres.

Theater rooms??
We have a setup to install but will be keeping it fairly low key and integrated into a family room. We will be including some minor sound insulation but some…

builder owner vs professional builder
We OB but contract a builder to work on an hourly rate. Our extension is a messy one and most builders quoted 50-100% fat into it as it's just impossible…

R7 batt
I've heard of builders squeezing batts in to try to increase values but it doesn't work like that. You need to have cavities wide enough for insulation to sit…

Bricks, cladding, sheeting, foam are these all real options?
can I hijack this thread rather than start my own?
Our site is long and narrow with 900 setback at each side. We're happier to choose lightweight products to simplify build…

Do you name your appliances?
sorry for being too low brow qebtel. I was in need of a circuit breaker so to speak. My 8yo nephew rolled his eyes at how we name stuff. Apparently…

Bathroom Reno - Disagreement with Wife - FINAL SOLUTION
My answer really depends on how many other bathrooms you have. I voted no door on the assumption it's a bathroom for children. put a full length mirror on the…

a dead end with suppliers Bondor
I've just spoken to Mike Brown who is the NSW area manager and has been the most helpful so far. He's a former builder and wants to help us place…