Solid brick - why don't they build them?
If only there were more "hangovers" from previous generations. I have absolutely no respect for modern Australian building techniques.
Take a stroll through some pre-war houses (even those designed for lowly…

Builder has not done something - can I ask for a variation f
I read they did have an inspector, just maybe not a great one.
If you don't mind me asking, given no one has an inspector sitting on site 24/7 and…

New FTTP NTD/PSU box under stair without drywall
it always has been. from day 1. Ive been lucky enough not to have to deal with it as always bene in a greenfields estate every time ive needed…

Custom builder in Canberra
I agree with Kippers01 regarding ratings. Furthermore, it is obvious that some builders pretend to be customers on these forums and make their posts.
I am glad that you had…

Custom builder in Canberra
Builders have no such problems securing their 5 star reviews if a review 'farm' service is being paid for them!

How often do you visit your site?
It was actually in my contract to have to contact the manager for a site visit, so I gave the company a quasi legal waiver if an accident happens, but…

Chip in brick
Leave it, replacing the brick will be more noticeable.
If you have been left with spare bricks, then drill a hole into a spare brick, mix the brick dust with an…

How wide is your hallway?
also keep in mind that you can always bring large items via the alfresco door

Do we need shower door to comply with AS Standards ?
Strangely, it's a Victorian thing not to put a floor waste in. In NSW we put them in as standard.

Thomas Archer homes-Island Problem-Stone Not "Book Match"
I won't complain if this is for free
But spending 10K extra to upgrade the island/benchtop and specifically tell the builder this is my requirement and have the "book match" documented…

Building Duplex/Dual Occ in this current construction indust
this has been discussed ad nauseam.
IMO, its not going to become materially cheaper to build homes. Any drop in supply cost that becomes more available due to less demand…

Vapour Barrier issues
Not because of the vapour barrier, but because of the soil type and managing slab heave risk.
Ah okay, as I think I have similar soil type being H or M…

Vapour Barrier issues
to the people in this thread, i would highly recommend you search this forum for "slab heave" and educate yourselves on what's occurred to a number of forum members here…

Building now or waiting?
after it subdues? when prices for materials will have already inflated? case in point. It wont be cheaper in 2 years to build than it costs today.
Prices for everything…

Career change
It's never too late to make a career change, imho. Being happy in your work life is more than $$! Only you know your financial position but being…

Career change
One of life's truism I live by is "All limitations are self imposed."

I live next door to housing commission. The make noise day and night. They vomit on the fence right next to my kitchen. I would rather they were mowing.

Sewer Pipe - external connection
Yep that's what the s bends and p traps do, also the vent pipes (aka stink pipes). Whether its normal to exit a sewer line out like that, I…

Building a Metricon Glendale 42 Limited Edition in Melbourne
I received some requests for more info and photos about the waterproofing after my response to Drew01’s comments. Thought I was adding value.