{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
It's Looking great Dawn. I love the kitties, they are the cutest. I sooo want another kitten but I couldn't do it to my cat, she would hate me forever!

Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
Wow her bedroom looks divine!
My friend just had this delivered for her daughters room...her work is gorgeous.
It's from violeteyes.com.au

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
It's looking so amazing Dawn! I've been in almost a week and I just find the whole landscaping thing completely overwhelming. So I've done nothing You've done such a…

Affordable living by Frenken homes
I am currently building with them. My handover is scheduled for this Friday. Slab was poured 12th May, so it's been almost exactly 5 month total build time.
My build…

First build in SE Melbourne
Mmm the tiles are in now (not in the pic) and it's horrible.
I just have to change it. It's going to be a pain but it is what it…

First build in SE Melbourne
Just been to visit the house. And I hate the stone. Hate it so so so much. I've been crying all afternoon
In the selection sample the stone was a…

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
Ooh who is doing your screen doors? I move in in 3 weeks and I need doors desperately!
The wind was shocking today, we couldn't even send the kids out…

First build in SE Melbourne
I've been given a settlement date today...
13th October!! Can't believe how fast the last part has come along!

Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
Omg haha can't believe they put the lights like that! Seriously!
Your house is looking stunning! It's almost over, how amazing is that!

First build in SE Melbourne
They fixed my broken window so I couldn't get in there today, but luckily the garage door wasn't quite snibbed shut properly!
I have my stone. I'm not sure about…

First build in SE Melbourne
I love white kitchens too! I don't really care what's 'in', that will change! I just picked things that I like

First build in SE Melbourne
I have a kitchen!
Main bathroom

First build in SE Melbourne
Just popped down to the house after work (got to leave early!) and can't look around because there's workers here Well, I'm glad there's workers but just spent 40…

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
Oh my goodness! Lila is so pretty!!
My cats name is Lila If only she wasn't a grumpy old cat who doesn't like change I would love 2 Lila's

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
Cute!! I wish I could foster kitties or get another cat but my grumpy 13 year old cat would lose her mind!
Such an awesome thing to do!

Metricon Premature Invoicing
My builder did this. I rang them and said the work wasn't complete and they could reissue the invoice when it was. They agreed and sent me a new invoice…

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
I just love plant shopping and walking around nurseries. Pity I have no money left if I want air con for summer

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
That's good for security for you, having something behind!

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
I went to the markets today and there was so much lovely nice artwork made by locals. Definitely going back again when I'm in my house to get some!

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
Looking great Dawn!
I'm sitting down at the moment trying to come up with a landscaping plan and I keep drawing blanks. I have no idea what to do! I love…

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
Euro pillows are not cheap!! The cOvers are so overpriced. I love the doona cover, it's so pretty! Adds some colour to the room too.
I really love the blues…

First build in SE Melbourne
Thanks Dawn. It's just so disappointing when everything was going well and I loved my colour choices and then this catastrophe happens.
This is the colour I thought I was…

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
You're lucky you have someone to do your doors I don't know many tradies, just my uncle who is a cabinet maker so he's doing my WIR and laundry…

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
I like it! It ties in with the blue kind of theme in the living room

First build in SE Melbourne
The stone is called Typhoon. It looks much browner in the bathrooms to the kitchen. Fingers crossed it works out!

First build in SE Melbourne
Yeah I'll wait til everything comes together, with the paint and tiles etc it might be fine. I actually really like it, it's just different to what I thought!

{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!
It's all looking amazing! I can't believe how much you have done already, don't be too hard on yourself!
Your kitties look at home now, I'm glad Cass seems to…

First build in SE Melbourne
Doesn't seem that way to me but thanks haha! Hopefully it speeds up from here on!

8 months -Tiles! - Our forever home in West Melb.
Looks good! I'm glad they've rectified the issues in the report.
Look forward to seeing the bricks layed, they look lovely

Charlibear's Build -Finally in!
It looks amazing! Your floor tiles are stunning
Your build really is racing to the end, there's always things happening at the moment!