Upholstered Bed Frames
Hi we have the Altere upholstered bed from freedom have had it for 2 years and love it, we have it in sultana but it also came in a light…
Thinking ahead....
Ooooh i love new furniture, have managed to get:
Freedom Altere upholstered bed in Sultana
Plush magnum 3 seater and 2 seater sofa in beige
Freedom Java dining table
Mountain Ash low line tv…
Are any of these poisonous to dogs?
Wasn't the poison factor, more that there was half a tree lodged in his oesophagus...
Are any of these poisonous to dogs?
I hear ya...they get into things when you least expect it... i paid $900 when my little guy felt sick and had no grass to chew in my mother and…
hogsbristle 1/2 or 1/4 strength
We went through this recently also, in the end we went with hog bristle half on the walls and ceilings in all bedrooms and hallway with quarter hog bristle trims…
Are any of these poisonous to dogs?
Thanks for your replies everyone! bit devastated re the ele ears and frangis! but havent had a problem so far in mums gardens, the dogs have only chewed grass occasionally…
Are any of these poisonous to dogs?
damn, where will i plant my chocolate tree...
Are any of these poisonous to dogs?
Forgot to say happy for dog friendly/safe tropical plant suggestions!!!
Are any of these poisonous to dogs?
Hi there
This is my first post in this section, i have been lurking and reading though for a while, you guys have some…
Second guessing splashback - Ok, finally in!!!
Youre gonna hate me soon lol, i found thats more the colour you're looking at...
http://www.realestate.com.au/cgi-bin/rs ... 1251376872
the blue looks fantastic
Second guessing splashback - Ok, finally in!!!
http://www.realestate.com.au/cgi-bin/rs ... 1251107827
they're everywhere they're everywhere! lol
love that baltic pic...
Second guessing splashback - Ok, finally in!!!
http://www.realestate.com.au/cgi-bin/rs ... 1251027815
just saw the kitchen in this house and thought of you...
Dont like the cornice!
Hi guys! Very happy today we painted our study after lots of thinking we used dulux hog bristle half in the flat wash and…
Has anyone seen Dulux 'Raw Cashew Nut' on an exterior?
Definately, we kept going to our new place after work and i was never sure about the hog bristle, wasnt until the weekend when i could go there morning and…
Has anyone seen Dulux 'Raw Cashew Nut' on an exterior?
Yep thats jasper on top
Has anyone seen Dulux 'Raw Cashew Nut' on an exterior?
No I'm uselss with colour, especially if dune is grey as I see it as mushroom! it goes really…
Has anyone seen Dulux 'Raw Cashew Nut' on an exterior?
My front door is black lol
the roof we have in our current house (parents pool house out the back, lol, till we move in to…
Has anyone seen Dulux 'Raw Cashew Nut' on an exterior?
Hi Kylie, I've never seen raw cashew on a wall but the house on the front of the dulux chart features it, We have dune roller door and roof where…
And so it begins.....More problems!!!
How exciting! cant wait for pics!!! and to get my own new kitchen!!! jealous!!!
Blinds- got them!!
Thanks Michelle for both answers !!!! Yes NEVER going without the plans again! I really thought i had the measurements…
Blinds- got them!!
Wait Im going to re-phrase that last bit, DO YOU THINK the wooden blinds are going to look alright with the hog quarter trims? seems a bit odd putting the…
Blinds- got them!!
What a nightmare! Im such an idiot . We currently have the freedom blinds "havana" in cherry, although i dont know why they called them…
Roof & Window Colours
Caroline your house is GORGEOUS!!! colours are fantastic! Sorry to cut in there!
yay!!!!our new bed-had it upholstered yay!!!!!
Wow!! very nice we have the altere bed from freedom in sultana, I LOVE UPHOLSTERED BEDS! I'll never…
Dont like the cornice!
Thanks Hels! I know you're absolutely right I will stress over it and ill be the only one that notices! Hey i thought you said your cornices were plain! I…
Dont like the cornice!
Not a bad idea at all Michelle! Ive never seen this done i dont think... any pics hels? Thanks…
Dont like the cornice!
Hi there, so, we've decided on the hog bristle, the lounge room cornice is coming off, its a plaster cornice with a ribbon and bow pattern so coming down and…
Hog bristle full strength or half strength?
We have painted a big patch of 100% on our walls and half a door frame in 25% and half in 50% as we're still not sure which one to…