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Joined 22 October 2020
Junior Member
1 month1 monthmockkiemockkie posted:
Floorplan advice

I think that's a great idea to convert the ensuite into a full bathroom, and changing the adjoining bathroom into a laundry. The only additional modification I would make to…

8 months8 monthsmockkiemockkie posted:
Knockdown Rebuild Floor Plan

I think a more effective option to get natural light into your living spaces would be to implement a skillion roof for that rear lower section. Sloping from West to…

8 months8 monthsmockkiemockkie posted:
Up & Down outdoor lights in façade

Havit lighting make good quality units.
Otherwise Beacon Lighting is also a good place to check out.

  ⋅  1
9 months9 monthsmockkiemockkie posted:
Building a flame zone house in West Pymble on a steep site

@Ashington Homes - so much respect for the lengths and efforts you guys go to to support and accommodate your clients! We were massive beneficiaries of your support! I don't…

10 months10 monthsmockkiemockkie posted:
two way and three-way switch locations

I installed 2 way switches at both end of our hallways, top and bottom of stairs and on either side of the master bed
best way to identify where you need…

  ⋅  1
10 months10 monthsmockkiemockkie posted:
Which 90cm rangehood is better

Canopy and Undermount are best, and need to be ducted externally. Which one you go with will be largely determined by your design and joinery choices.
What you should be paying…

  ⋅  1
mockkie followed:
11 months11 months
11 months11 monthsmockkiemockkie posted:
Designing, Building & Developing a Luxury home in Lindfield

Looks great Simeon! Just beware, that you've lost one of your integrated Fridge/Freezers with this layout revision.
Your mud room could potentially be reduced in size with the walkway from the…

mockkie wrote:

Looks great! Just beware, you've lost one of your Intergrated Fridge/Freezer with this revision.

11 months11 months
View: Revised ground floor layout
mockkie wrote:

Looks great! Just beware, you've lost one of your Intergrated Fridge/Freezer with this revision.

11 months11 months
View: Revised ground floor layout
1 year1 yearmockkiemockkie posted:
Native garden plans

Fig Landscapes has produced an e-book and native plant index, available for purchase from their website. It's a great resource, full of inspiration and tips.

Another landscaper with excellent resources is…

1 year1 yearmockkiemockkie posted:
Floor plan feedback

Hey Anna
It looks to be a lovely home!
Couple of initial observations, questions and reflections for your consideration
Is there a reason why you have decided not to extend the first floor…

2 years2 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Home networking future proofing

Thanks MrSober - can you recommend a ceiling mounted WAP?
basic Google search has led me to
TP-Link EAP620 HD AX1800 Wireless Dual Band Ceiling Mount Access Point (EAP620 HD…

2 years2 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Home networking future proofing

Just jumping on to this thread as I'm also at a similar point in trying to understand and decide what's the best way to configure my home network.
Building a 2…

2 years2 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Floor plan review

Hi Balamjn
Couple of thoughts:
1. Your floorplan has not been designed to take into account your orientation. It looks like currently there's a missed opportunity to take advantage of your rear…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Show us your facade...

I think this facade looks good with the thin window frames - the thinner frames give an elegance to the facade. I'd be careful about making the frames bigger as…

Show us your facade...
  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Air tightness: one or two building wraps?

i'm wanting to do both external and internal wrap.. pending budget and supply constraints.

2 years2 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Air tightness: one or two building wraps?

who did you use for your WUFI analysis? we've been advised to get one done for our roof assembly as well as we're also seeking to adopt passivhaus principles with…

2 years2 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Floor plan feedback please 🙏

Overall it looks to be a nice floorplan. Couple of thoughts you might want to consider
Laundry - this room looks to be oversized which runs the risk of becoming under…

3 years3 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Fence appeared without any consultation??

If they've put up the fence without consultation or quote, I wouldn't expect to be asked for any contribution towards it. Free fence yay!
Just make sure it's installed in the…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Please comment on proposed home layout

On the whole the ground floor plan looks good. My only comment is to consider your orientation carefully particularly in relation to the glazing on the left (western) side of…

3 years3 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Engaging architectural consultant to review plans

We engaged an independent BASIX and NatHERS assessor to provide feedback on our designs and help us tweak it to meet 6 stars requirements. Unfortunately we didn't have the budget…

3 years3 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
New Construction - wrong size window and door

That's not a good enough reply in my books. That's something I would've expected my builder to check on at quoting stage before placing the order for the windows. At…

3 years3 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Floor plan critique

it's hard to make any real valuable critique/feedback of your floorplan without knowing the orientation of the site.
Floor plan design isn't just about the layout and arrangement of rooms. Planning…

3 years3 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Alfresco Surface Tiling

that's what i'm considering.
I'll have a concrete slab... just need to decide on how much to rebate the concrete. whether to allow just for tile to be laid directly on…

3 years3 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
New build floor plan advice

Jason makes some good observations.
To add to this - consider where children and guests will dry off and change before/after swimming. Looks like your only real powder room on the…

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
New build floor plan advice

Floor plan looks great as a first pass!
Pool pump and housing should be able to fit in the space you pointed out - just check the dimensions of the units.…

3 years3 yearsmockkiemockkie posted:
Alfresco Surface Tiling

Trying to weigh up whether to go with composite timber decking or outdoor tiles for our alfresco and courtyard.
I know decking would need to be mounted on a system of…

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Floorplan advice
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22 October 2020

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