Brisbane City Council Retaining Laws
I have a random question. One of the houses behind us in Brisbane has had to do significant cuts on their sloped block prior to building their house. There house…

Fencing Contractor Reccomendations Brisbane?
Thanks for your suggestions everyone... will be making calls tommorrow

Plant suggestions for retaining wall garden? Updated 08/04
My herb garden is thriving.. despite also being eaten alive by those pesky grasshoppers. My basil isn't a bush.. its now a tree!

Plant suggestions for retaining wall garden? Updated 08/04
Thanks everyone for your suggestions and inspiration photos... I will take photos tomorrow... we are now nearly done... i would of loved to of seen more colour in our garden..…

Anyone have any natural remedies or suggestions to stop grashoppers eating my basil, mint and sage (they don't seem interested in all my other herbs) ?

Plant suggestions for retaining wall garden? Updated 08/04
We (by we I mean my partner) have recently buiit a retaing wall down the side of our house. There is still some work to be done... i.e gluing the…

Flaggie's Home - Master BR update pg.69
My favourite feature wall in your house so far... and you've got some great feature walls

Flaggie's Home - Master BR update pg.69
Looking good. Dads certainly do come in handy.

Flaggie's Home - Master BR update pg.69
I'm guessing the greyish colour is Oyster Linen? Looks good and goes with the other colours... I guess it just depends on what the furniture etc. in that area is…

Advice on feature wall colour please!
Looks great! Goes well with your other colours.

Feature wall help please
The Deep Reed is posibly a bit bolder and very slightly darker. I do like the Deep Reed for being slightly darker and a bit bolder.. but I think that…

What can $500K build?
For 500, 000 you can build our house 2.7 times.

Brisbane City Council Retaining Laws
I'm assuming no. They told my partner that they were doing it themselves rather than going through council.. which is why they can only go one meter high.

How to build a retaining wall
This is our local landscape store... where we actually got our landcape supplies. My partner used their videos to guide his block retaining wall construction. They also have videos on…

Fencing Contractor Reccomendations Brisbane?
My partner and I want to get a small custom fence/gate (approx 4-5mtr total) made.. basically to block off our dog from going down the side of our house. We…

Plant suggestions for retaining wall garden? Updated 08/04
Still a work in progress.. but this is the garden at present. Still hoping to add more colour in... its a bit bland for my taste at present

Home sweet Home. New bedroom pics
Its all too hard at the moment My excuse is that we decided to focus on the outside of the house first... so that it…

Share your feature walls
Not very good photo quality sorry!

Plant suggestions for retaining wall garden? Updated 08/04
We have now paved and put a shed on one end of the reatining wall... and we have also planted the small sunny end of the retaining wall with a…

Plant suggestions for retaining wall garden? Updated 08/04
My partner isn't a fan of the magnolias (although I am) as they are too formal is still concerned that they will be too high. He is a fan of…

Plant suggestions for retaining wall garden? Updated 08/04
Thanks for your suggestions. Liike the look of the picture you stumbled accross rudolf. Really like the look of the liriope muscari... that ones definately on the shortlist. Is…

Flaggie's Home - Master BR update pg.69
My place isn't coming along very fast. I've been too busy saving up for my Great Britian holiday.. in two weeks!! So house stuff is currently on hold

Wilson's... 23/4 - Entry Hall feature wall HELP! pg. 37!
I think the grey and white looks great... but to match in with the feel of the rest of your home... silver is probably the way to go.

How much tap water do you use?
We use 158 ltrs. At that time we had a housemate so thats for 3 people. One of those people only has showers on the weekend . We use…

Pictures of our drowned lawn. Is it salvageable?
We have some sprouts of green appearing through the brown...

Pictures of our drowned lawn. Is it salvageable?
Fu Manchu - Well from my limited garden forum experience you seem to be very knowledgable.