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70 Posts
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Joined 21 September 2017
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6 years6 yearsfademanfademan posted:
Porter Davis - Madison 40

Oak floors went in today. They did an awesome job, and no quad!
Carpet next week, then we're done just in time for Christmas.

6 years6 yearsMadison40builderMadison40builder posted:
Porter Davis - Madison 40

Finally finished. Waiting on touchups and hopefully certificate of occupancy arrives tomorrow

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6 years6 yearsgoldencrumblegoldencrumble posted:
Porter Davis homes

Yes we accepted handover with a few items still on order and they came and did them the following week.
Thank you. That’s good and somewhat comforting to hear.

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6 years6 yearsfademanfademan posted:
Porter Davis - Madison 40

Boom ;)

Porter Davis - Madison 40
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6 years6 yearsHoffman 39Hoffman 39 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi everyone
New to homeone!
We are building a hoffman 39 soon.
Couple of questions:
How much it costs to hire a building surveyor? Go with porter davis recommended ones or your own?
Anyone had…

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6 years6 yearsfademanfademan posted:
Porter Davis - Madison 40

Hi guys, we are at day 56-58, and Hebel has been done on the bottom floor, going on the top floor next week, and plaster on Tuesday.
I feel like…

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6 years6 yearsgoldencrumblegoldencrumble posted:
Porter Davis homes

So things are ticking along with our build. Tiling has been done. Electrical done. Plumbers were there today. Its looking really good with minimal issues.
I will say I was disappointed…

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7 years7 yearsMadison40builderMadison40builder posted:
Porter Davis homes

Our plaster has been hung and had first coat in 2 days. Outside eaves have also been lined and the front of the balcony is nearly done. Found a…

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7 years7 yearsbrucefil2011brucefil2011 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Front landscaping now started. Need to buy some native plants.
see more About the hoffman – Building the hoffman

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7 years7 yearsbrucefil2011brucefil2011 posted:
Porter Davis homes

We have had most of the items on our 3 month inspection fixed. The guy who came out from PD was great. Concretefx have now ground and sealed the garage.…

Porter Davis homes
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7 years7 yearsAshik_09Ashik_09 posted:
Porter Davis homes

I believe that is correct about the site supervisor being the one who triggers the invoice being issued. Our site supervisor has made comments like "Once the last of the…

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7 years7 yearslilbzalilbza posted:
Porter Davis homes

I'm amazed you haven't already got it before slab pour as you'll get all the others before the stage is finished
see more About the hoffman – Building the hoffman

7 years7 yearsLaura IrelandLaura Ireland posted:
Porter Davis homes

Getting rather excited now. 5 months in and I feel we are so close to finish (but so far!)
We are in the final stage. Painting has been done, electrical fitout,…

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7 years7 yearsbrucefil2011brucefil2011 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Bruce,
I upgraded my paint to wattyl IQ and not the "professional" crap that they typically use , which is watered down for easy spraying. Had it done pre tender,…

Porter Davis homes
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7 years7 yearsinphazeinphaze posted:
Porter Davis - Madison 40

There you go, I told you they’d be off to your house now that they have finished with ours :)

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7 years7 yearsinphazeinphaze posted:
Porter Davis - Madison 40

Yes, I have to say I am a little concerned about that fact myself, I just wish they would jolly get on with the outside... time will tell.
I hope for…

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7 years7 yearsinphazeinphaze posted:
Porter Davis - Madison 40

They have finished the Hebel on our house this week, hopefully they are off to your place next to finish your exterior

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7 years7 yearsfademanfademan posted:
Porter Davis - Madison 40

Welcome to the club!
Our build as at yesterday.

Porter Davis - Madison 40
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