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Mia's Folly
192 Posts
Mia's Folly
192 Posts
Bronze Member

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Mia's Folly

Joined 28 June 2009
Bronze Member
15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
Homeshow Melbourne is on again

Don't suppose the o'l HomeOne site is offering any tickets again??

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
A & E's House! Pg 85 - a year or 2 worth of updates 11/12/14

Oh yeah, the 'Big Muddy Mess', I'd almost forgotten about that episode. Damn I'm going to need rehab again..hehehehe

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
Powder ~ lanai ~ kitchen ~ pics! :: our Fairhaven Glenaire

Well done on the site scrape, its quite scary when you look at the flat land for the first time.
Your landscape plan looks something akin to one of my expedition…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Hello my fellow HomeOners, it's so good to be back.
First and foremost I'd very much like to take this opportunity in thanking those responsible for my rescue and subsequent rehabilitation.…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Indeed yes but alas our supplies have dried up. Me thinks Sir Tony will have to arrange for yet another expedition to the fabled lands of 'Lisanne' the great…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Home One Daily Stop Press
A couple of days ago a rumour appeared to be circulating throughout the National Geographic Society that the famed naturalist, biologist and explorer Sir Tony Atin-Brother,…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
A & E's Panorama - Settling in... and LOVING it!

thought it was about time I put a congrat message on here.....
as before...congrats, yay, whoo hoo and multiple cartwheels and fireworks.....

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
A & E's Panorama - Settling in... and LOVING it!

You know if you keep looking at the calendar it will go quicker....well, it does in the movies anyway.......we are all sooooooo excited for you.... :)

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
Henley Voyager 383- side yard blitz, pics 17/1

Anyway, got there just as it was getting dark and saw this in the middle of the driveway!!!!!! Sir Tony Attin-brother, I think I need your assistance. I have never…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
A & E's Panorama - Settling in... and LOVING it!

First things first....Happy Birthday Aaron
Secondly....WOW Erin...love the pics you took yesterday...everything is so shiney....love it.
Thirdly....watched Yoshi race..he was full of beans at the barrier..kicked out a few times.....he was racing…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
A & E's Panorama - Settling in... and LOVING it!

Love the size of your backyard....can i steal some?...cos my dogs bigger than yours and i have a smaller yard :(
Do you have a set time…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Good evening and welcome to another episode of Builder Erectus.
Tonights episode deals with the identification of one particular creature which is yet to make an appearance in our series. …

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
Longridge Madison - lalala

Dear SomeWoman
Please find enclosed the requested report. I hope it helps you in some small way with identifying your problem.
As previously discussed within my own thread, the micro-cosmos world…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Thank you 'evelyng' and I hope you enjoy the many other episodes to come

Thank you as well 'hopeful'. We are just trying to bring a smile to what can…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
Longridge Madison - lalala

Hello there SomeWoman.
You will be heartened to know the research team at the Institute are pretty confident they have identified your problem. A full explanation will be posted on…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Hello there SomeWoman.
You will be heartened to know the research team at the Institute are pretty confident they have identified your problem. A full explanation will be posted on…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
Longridge Madison - lalala

Dear SomeWoman
Thank you for your letter relating to a potential infestation of what is clearly a unique and wonderous construction within the micro-cosmos of 'Builder Erectus'. If I am…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
A & E's Panorama - Settling in... and LOVING it!

Hope you get your lovely curvy rangehood.....I wanted one but PD use Blanco and they don't do curvy, so I've had to go with straight....but thats better than no glass…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

I hope you're not planning to blame me for that... =p
Psssssssssssst 'SomeWoman', the cheque is in the mail.... :wink:
pfffft, heard that one before ;)

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Psssssssssssst 'SomeWoman', the cheque is in the mail.... :wink:

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Thank you for your kind words and vote of support Deemaree. As the founding member of the Atin-Brother Institute we do so look forward to your support and monetary…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Hi Belial and firstly I'll have to apologize for the long delay since you read our first postings. There are no excuses except I've been slack, busy, working and…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Welcome back 'EmilyGirl'. Like you we looooooooooooooooooooooove our build to but there's one problem................ we would like to have it finished yesterday... :lol:

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: this is officially my favourite thread

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Good evening and welcome to Episode 5 of ‘Builder Erectous’.
When we last met Radiatus Constructous had been forced from his dwelling by a newer smaller but no less dangerous occupant,…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Situated as we are in our base camp with the bearest of necessities I could think of nothing finer than some warm sticky date pudding and thick rich double cream.…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Thanks Echo as I'd vote too, but I'm not allowed. ::cry::
However it's not the accolades we seek, its the spreading of…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Apparently so Aaron & Erin. With good viewers such as yourselves we managed to rate in 2nd spot with Episode 3, just in behind 25 ways to re-use your…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Oh yes indeed joannapaulp. The Black Windower Plumas belongs more to the 'Preying-Grannius' genus which is renown for their preditory nature. Instead of setting elaborate traps, the Black…

15 years15 yearsMia's FollyMia's Folly posted:
PD Hayman 34-Mia's Folly 'Yes, I'm Back'

Thank you ThatGirlCal, although I'd try and get the waterworks under control or you'll find a 'Black Widower Plumus' crawling along behind you... :lol:

Joined homeone
28 June 2009

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