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Joined 14 December 2010
Silver Member
13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Good luck for PCI!
Some things to look out for are
- Have a look at things like the door plates and make sure they are screwed in (we had five…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Hi Everyone!
thankyou all for the well wishes and congrats...
OMG is all i can say about our wonderful home! Settling in nicely and it's really feeling like home. I've updated…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Well we are in! and all i can say is WOW! Handover occurred on the 26th October. Very streamlined and quick process :)
There are some cosmetic…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Hi Prabha,
Welcome to the Waldorf Family!
T is right - we were originally going to put in gloss finish and were quoted about (by memory) the $6k mark, although were only…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Porter Davis homes

what bargains did u get Leanne?

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Porter Davis homes

how did i miss out on hearing about the coco republic sale?????? is it on tomorrow?? that's what you get when you are neck deep in packing boxes!! HAND OVER…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

We have PCI today! and handover is booked in for next Tuesday! Yippee!!!

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Gren,
We had the issue with a large gap between the window and the brickwork sill but this will get picked up (if it hasn't been done so already) when…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Haven't received any as yet, just collecting numbers (referrals from friends) and then going to meet them on site to work out costings.
Lol...as long as you have good tv…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

i've tried going into furniture stores and walk out dejected..they all are same same and nothing is catchiing my eye. Also i get so overwhelmed coz i have such…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Porter Davis homes

Congrats Rups and Leanne! well worth the wait :) can't wait to now lurk on your building thread and see ur progress!

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

it'll go by in a blink of an eye Tony! our stairs have been stained, portico has been painted, theatre room has been painted, shelving installed, and we are absolutely…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

or i should say Leanne! :)

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

thanks Rups! does sound like a good price for all those windows :) will have a look now...

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

thanks Tony! it does put ur mind at ease when you see the actual outcome. There is so many variations of the stairs as it is in all the…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Our Pakenham Ivanhoe, some new stuff

House is looking great B1! settling in nicely...loving the pool area! Would you consider a stacker stone for the blueboard? might be $$$ but the effect would look nice! Cheers,…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

ooh yeah JPZ, not looking forward to the packing and moving either! a friend of mine just moved into her place this weekend and she had everything unpacked and in…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Porter Davis homes

oh wateman, i feel for you. All i can say is don't let your BC influence your build journey. You stay on top of it like you have been,…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Blog is updated! we are nearly at the end...can not wait!
Tiling is nearly completed, all the basins and toilets are in (and the toilets flush!), electrical is in..
4 weeks to…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi Wateman,
These are what we have from our data packs. Are you talking about signal points (i.e. data and tv signals) or are you talking about GPO's?
We have…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Hey JPZ,
They basically just took away alot of the building debris leftover from the previous stage. Also i hadn't noticed before but they spread out the sand that was left…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

you're going great guns Tony! The plastering itself doesn't take that long (should only be a couple of days) and then they'll start with the cornice, skirting and architraves which…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Porter Davis homes

I suppose you will have to toss up - pay more and have the convenience to have it done whilst the house is being built or deal with cutting through…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

Hey guys, yeah getting excited now...i think rob is more excited to get into the house so that i have my own side of the WIR - he's sick of…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Porter Davis homes

Mak that happened to us too...we have a fairly flat block in an established neighbourhood. there is less than a metre fall at the front of the block. …

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Porter Davis homes

Thanks Eli-Kay! I'll take a look at that site :)

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hi MelNRob,
Your home is coming along really well. It's looks really good. :: Bugger!!! I noticed you have…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Porter Davis homes

I have arisen from the nomans land of building..hehe...hope everyone's build is going smoothly! Blog has been updated with the last months progress (wow that is amazing how the time…

13 years13 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis

I have arisen from the nomans land of building..hehe...hope everyone's build is going smoothly! Blog has been updated with the last months progress (wow that is amazing how the time…

14 years14 yearsMelNRobMelNRob posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hey Alpal,
We're in the Eastern suburbs and used Dig Dig Demolition. Bryn was really good. Came out at a time suitable for both of us to quote and they…

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