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Western Suburbs, Melbourne
Joined 30 March 2015
Gold Member
7 years7 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building Simonds Hudson in Warrnambool Vic

I was actually just wondering how it was all going! Hope it is smooth sailing from here!

7 years7 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Bold Living Acreage build, Scenic Rim QLD - Slab Stage

Yes!! haha So glad to see some positive movement!
Cant wait to see your plans come to life!

7 years7 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building with Simonds in Adelaide

Oh Marshall! So gorgeous! Look at that light!!
Re: the tree: Look for natives a bottle brush would be gorgeous (what size are you talking? callistemon kings park special comes to…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building Simonds Hudson in Warrnambool Vic

omg! Glad you’ve finally gotten your titles but gah! What a pain!

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Simonds Express - Rathdowne - Western Melbourne

Hi Misskb!
It really depends on your sales team and whether or not you can make changes. Some people have been able to make a few and others - like us…

7 years7 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Bold Living Acreage build, Scenic Rim QLD - Slab Stage

Ah Tribe I am so excited!!!! I sent you a message on IG

7 years7 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Housing the Tribe, Gold Coast

Eeeekkkk!!! I'm so excited for your new thread

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Housing the Tribe, Gold Coast

Oh dear Tribe This second time around isn't going so well

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building the Simonds Palisade in Gippsland

Congrats !!!

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Simonds Express - Rathdowne - Western Melbourne

Hi! I think if it were one of those very slim ones it would fit :-)

(Ignore our caulk/grout mismatch)

Simonds Express - Rathdowne - Western Melbourne
8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building the Simonds Palisade in Gippsland

Looks like a standard "modern" driveway to me - that's how they all are around here (looks exactly like ours, slope and all). It sucks because you can't actually park…

8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Simonds Express - Rathdowne - Western Melbourne

The carpet is crappy. It wears really terribly and you're right it has a green-y hue. We noticed it more before we got our furniture in.

8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Our Simonds Express Journey (Westbury)

They'll brick it from the inside and it will look ****.
Our neighbours had to do the same thing. We are 20cm off boundary and they built to boundary after…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building Simonds Prague with Modifications


8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb

Yeah it does. If your nbn box is in the garage that's where your modem & phone need to connect.

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building with Simonds in Adelaide

All good haha

8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Front Landscaping - tree/shrub suggestions please!

I'll try and remember to take a current pic, things look quite a bit different now that the trees have grown a bit.

8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Front Landscaping - tree/shrub suggestions please!

Thanks! Nope, none at all and ditto on the other side. We gently sloped things so it all sort of matches/evens out.

Front Landscaping - tree/shrub suggestions please!
8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building with Simonds in Adelaide

So jealous

8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building with Simonds in Adelaide

What did you get? We got two glasses and two coasters and we don't even drink lol

8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building Simonds Prague in QLD

You can definitely get your fencing done sooner. We did. Our neighbour's had it as part of their package and we just contacted the fencer to arrange our shared side…

8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building with Simonds in Adelaide


8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building the Simonds Palisade in Gippsland

I just read my post back and I made a mistake. I should've said most of the emails from our CRC were old news NOT our SS, he had up…

8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building the Simonds Palisade in Gippsland

We hardly heard from our CRC but we were in frequent contact with our SS who was on the ball and fantastic about replying to messages and letting us schedule…

8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building with Simonds in Adelaide

That's so awful :-( sorry you are dealing with this!! :-(

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsMegeraMegera posted:
Building with Simonds in Adelaide

We bought one in a blue jug at Beaumont tiles (I think they are all in a blue jug which might not be helpful) and had to paint it on.…

  ⋅  1
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30 March 2015

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