4PostsMost Active Topics
9 years9 years
mcored posted:
Easy clean bathroom shower area design

Easy clean bathroom shower area design
Hi all
My apologies if this as been discussed before. I am planning to build a new house and I have been thinking of a design for an easy clean (low…
11 years11 years
mcored posted:
Buying survey strata property to demolish and build new home

Buying survey strata property to demolish and build new home
Hi guys,
Found this wonderful forum through Whirlpool Forums.
I am thinking of buying a property to rent for a few years, demolish existing house and build a new house…
5 years5 years
mcored posted:
Google Nest Cam IQ Outdoor experience?

Google Nest Cam IQ Outdoor experience?
Hi all
I am researching a Google Nest Cam Outdoor setup for my current home.
Whilst the Google Nest Cam Outdoor is available in Australia, the Google Nest Cam IQ Outdoor is…
9 years9 years
mcored posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

Things you forget - summary page 32
Here are my lessons learnt (experience from current house). I maintain this in a Google document:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/168J ... sp=sharing
Joined homeone
25 March 2014