Glass spashback in shower instead of tiling??
I know this is an old post, but in case this is useful for anyone else - we are renovating and we had a company put in our showers screen…

McBecks McBuild in Harrisdale, WA - Roof is on! PICS!!!
Hurray hurray our roof is on! My little house has itself a little hat!
Photo's you ask? Why of course!
Roof beams done, gutters and fascia on.
From inside the love shack…

McBecks McBuild in Harrisdale, WA - Roof is on! PICS!!!
Thanks ALLaNNa1!
Not on Kudos, we're one street over on Solander St.
Where are you again?

McBecks McBuild in Harrisdale, WA - Roof is on! PICS!!!
Sorry Candylea (and oher H1'ers!) I am very very busy (read: lazy) with updating my thread.
OK- lots and lots has happened since I last posted!

What's for dinner?
Oooh Issy Jo I have been eyeing those off for the past year now! But so far have not had the guts to justify spending that much on it.... Is…

Ultimate Homes in Perth - Handover done.
Oooohhhhh!!!! Pretty!!!!!!! They look great!

Candylea's house! New purchase!!
Hi!! Hope you had a good Chrissy break!
Yeah we're planning on doing ours ourselves too. (When I say "we" I mean my OH and my Dad, I'll be supervising…

Building Piara Waters/Harrisdale/Forrestdale?
^^^Welcome Rob!^^^
I must have been dozing under a rock as I completely missed this thread!
I'm also in…

Exposed Aggregate finished.. top job!
My sister-in-laws parents just had their driveway done and it looks really good!
They used a company called Homeshield Coatings. If you google them you can find contact details.
They're based in…

Tim's House in WA with HBC
Ha-ha, what a random thread! Its been providing me with some geat lunchtim, reading though.

McBecks McBuild in Harrisdale, WA - Roof is on! PICS!!!
Thanks phoenixrain!
We like our tiles too! Was having second thoughts for a while there.. but now they're on I love 'em!
Our SS has…

Anyone Building With New Generation/Summit?
I'm also building with New Generation (Summit) in Harrisdale.
We're up to the roof about to go on, just waiting on tiles. The wiring has been done these last few days.…

McBecks McBuild in Harrisdale, WA - Roof is on! PICS!!!
I know Echo, I know!
But I don't get time to post on here as much as I would like and so the one chance I get I just kept going!…

polished concrete with a sparkle
We're getting our flooring done by Homeshield Coatings, we're not getting quite the same as what you're talking about, but we've opted for the "shimmer finish" they offer, which has…

Quench Showers
Don't all teenage boys "stand" in the shower for ages at some point?

Stolen Water Meter
OK, thaks everyone. Seems like some builders wear the cost and some don't. I'll have to check out contract to see for sure if we're supposed to cover this, but…

Stolen Water Meter
We have just received a letter in the post from our builder asking us to pay an extra $250 to replace our water meter as apparently it has been stolen.…

What's for dinner?
Ooh you can pay in installments? Am I right in believeing that you have to have a "demonstration" by Thermomix at your home before they will sell it to you?…

Candylea's house! New purchase!!
Hey! How did the move go? Are you in?
I can't believe you got you keys last week- that was so quick!
Hope you've been enjoying your goodies!

WA build Bletchley Park.
Hurray for lock up! Its all looking so good!
Have you got anymore recent photos for us?
It won't be long until you have your very own house to call your…

Building Piara Waters/Harrisdale/Forrestdale?
aLLaNNa1 - I would also do as Saffie suggests and go grab them off the builder, go home and read over them and then take them back to sign tomorrow.

McBecks McBuild in Harrisdale, WA - Roof is on! PICS!!!
^^^ You're making my poor thread blush! ^^^

Building the Pegasus in Bletchley Pk, Lisa and Shauns Home
Hurray for footings!
I hope this means you're being slabbed today!!!
Just in time for Christmas... ahhhh.....

I can’t believe our luck
Oh wizard... sad face...
I just want to say you're not alone. MY OH and I are currently having very similar problems. Just spoke…

Building the Pegasus in Bletchley Pk, Lisa and Shauns Home
Hey Lisa- that's GREAT news!!!!
That means…