Maylands Manor all done (well mostly!)
Thanks for all the well wishes everyone!! it is very exciting. Of course all babies look the same but won't mine be the most beautiful? …

loud a/c unit
thanks everyone for your thoughts, the guys are coming to look at the unit this week. matt, when you say you can hear a whooshing when yours starts up, does…

Marks on skirting boards following carpet laying
Hi Everyone,
I am wondering how much 'scratching or marking' of the skirting boards is acceptable as a result of carpet laying. I will try and post a pic tonight to…

Wood Borers
Hi Dukemaya,
thanks for your comments.
i think they are real oak (that's what we were told anyway!) but i am not sure which type. they are a reasonably dark colour,…

Almost there! pics included!
We are almost there. After a slight hiccup with the floorboards we are still moving forward.
The floor guy sanded and polished our second hand oak boards and the next…

Flush doors on robes - too plain?
woops! photo of flush cabinets with no handles reposted! they run along part of the hallway and are push in cabinets so they are seamless with the walls! bigger photo…

Flush doors on robes - too plain?
thanks michelle
i especially like our hallway linen cupboards which don't have handles (push button) to make the hallway look seamless! they have come…

Maylands manor has power and water! pics update
Lots more progress this week and still on track to be in by the end of October. The floor sanding guy started today (yes, on a public holiday!) and nearly…

Our WIR pics (and some others)
Hi everyone,
here are some of the latest pics. We are on track to be in in 4 weeks time. We have chosen the benchtops (black granite), carpet, shower screens and…

Show me your Colorbond Ironstone Roofing...Please.
hi snake,
heaps of photos of our ironstone roof, fascia (except front verandah) and guttering on our blog. see below. we love the colour!

Looking for the right shade of white
hi Andalee,
here is a pic of our place. we have used wattyl ermine white (slight grey tinge) and dulux vivid white on ceilings, skirts and arks. the ermine white looks…

Maylands Manor Painted
I thought i would share pics of my completed colour selections as they look on our walls. not sure how good my camera is, the pics are a bit grainy…

House painting prices
to paint our place (1 undercoat and 3 coats of paint including ceiling, arks, skirts and cornices with different paint detail) it is costing just under $10,000. we have 4…

Maylands Manor is back!
Hi All,
5 months in the new house and 4 months of that with a gorgeous little boy called Luke. Life certainly has been busy since we moved, but i thought…

Maylands Manor all done (well mostly!)
Hi Everyone,
it's been ages since i posted and i have a good excuse, we moved in! although i thought i should get a wriggle on and post given our first…

loud a/c unit
We had an ACTRON ESP system installed yesterday on the outside wall of our double brick home. it is wall mounted at about chest height. we can hear the humming…

Turf Prices
when is the best time to seed? is it getting too hot or doesnt it really matter?

Wood Borers
Hi Everyone,
I was hoping someone could shed some light on our recently polished oak timber floor (thanks TDL for prompting me to post this!).
After polishing, the floor has come up…

Bubbles in varnish?
Hi Lorraine44, I was interested to see this post as we have just had our floors sanded and polished and have lots of little bubbles around our floor. We used…

Will the new timber floor finishes affect my pregnant wife?
thanks donuts! hopefully will be in the house in 2 weeks, finish work in 4 and then baby due in 8! that's of course if all goes to plan!!

Will the new timber floor finishes affect my pregnant wife?
Hi Ozfish,
I am just over 7 months pregnant and our floors have just been finished (2-pac finish or whatever the high gloss chemical one is called!). our floor guy told…

Flush doors on robes - too plain?
hi casa,
the photo does make it look a bit narrow. it's 1.4m wide and about 23 metres long!

Flush doors on robes - too plain?
photo removed and reposted! wasn't working

Flush doors on robes - too plain?
ours are plain swing cupboard doors. They blend in with the walls nicely and being plain, they allow the handles or other things in the room to be a feature.

Our WIR pics (and some others)
Thanks everyone,
Southies; we used formica straight grain wenge (in MDF) for the built ins. It worked out about $1000 more than white MDF and an awful lot cheaper than laminate…

To control or not to control (HWS)
Hi Everyone,
Our plumber is currently trying to talk us out of having the controllers with our instant gas HWS (Rheem 26). He tells us that if you put in the…

Carpet Stain Removal Guide
Found this, thought some people might find it useful. click on the carpet cleaning guide and then on the type of stain you have. We have only tiles and…

Join mark in kitchen panels??
we have a join in our front panel. our cabinet maker told us that the whatever the material is that they build the panels from come in maximum widths /…

Superstitiousness - Throwing A Coin Into Your Concrete Slab
we threw some coins in just as they were about to start pouring the concrete. it certainly didn't buy us any speed with the build but we liked the sentiment!

OH MY GOD how much for Footings?????????
hi meltuz1,
those sort of figures blow you away don't they! We paid $55,000 for our 1.6 metre footings (private contractor). can't remember soil class but can look it up if…