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43 Posts
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Joined 6 March 2019
Junior Member
5 years5 yearsNorfolkNorfolk posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Yep, Metricon’s departments do their own thing. A good example of this is the large kitchen window that has the cabinets overhanging it so you can see the cabinet backs…

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5 years5 yearsCBPHCBPH posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Thanks not too bad really given the changes to your plan!

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5 years5 yearsCBPHCBPH posted:
Metricon Denver 45

House looks amazing!! How much did metricon charge to extend out kitchen/family walls? This plan is on our shortlist for a new build.

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5 years5 yearsDen45Den45 posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Looks awesome

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5 years5 yearsMarisMaris posted:
Metricon Denver 45

These photos were taken on the 25th of july. A lot happened in the 4 weeks.

5 years5 yearsDen45Den45 posted:
Building denver metricon

Congratulations!! Where are you building?

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5 years5 yearsnitetrixnitetrix posted:
Building denver metricon

Hi recently purchased land to build our dream home with 5 kids we choosen metricon denver 37 on the 11/7/2019 we had electrical box put in…

Building denver metricon
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6 years6 yearsRen88Ren88 posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Hi how many square meters is your home?

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6 years6 yearsamilelkaamilelka posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Wow that's a huge house! Good luck with your build. I would suggest tiled flooring in the hallways so the kids can rollerblade from one end of the house to…

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6 years6 yearsRhettiRhetti posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Congrats on a stunning house choice. I really really wanted to build this, but the width was just a touch too big to make it work for our block.

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6 years6 yearsThe_PezzasThe_Pezzas posted:
Metricon Denver 45

We're building a Denver 45 at the moment and we had to do the septic ourselves. Much cheaper if you do it yourself.

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6 years6 yearsduliedulie posted:
Metricon Denver 45

That's one giant slab!!

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6 years6 yearsgogo65gogo65 posted:
Metricon Denver 45

No not building with Metricon, I liked the Denver but Metricon have such a bad name in Sydney I quickly removed them from my list.
We will most likely build a…

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6 years6 yearsgogo65gogo65 posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Looks great, we will be embarking on an acreage build shortly, so will follow with interest :)

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6 years6 yearsDustyBlueDustyBlue posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Great size home! Ranch style are my faves. What is the base price for the denver 45? So before site costs and upgrades etc

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6 years6 yearsMariaMariaMariaMaria posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Maris! Amazing posts thank you!
We too are looking at the Denver in central vic
What was your approx build price?
I’m loving all your colour choices too! I’d pick the…

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6 years6 yearsTaylahleeTaylahlee posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Thank you so much for your reply’s everyone , I have built before , sometimes I wish they were just more upfront and have lists of extras instead of trying…

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6 years6 yearsDenver37buildDenver37build posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Not yet I'm afraid, still figuring out how everything works. But I'll have to start one when things start happening and I get re enthused. Fingers crossed we our site…

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6 years6 yearsDenver37buildDenver37build posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Yes, I think we have experienced the same quality phone conversations. Theres a legal loophole build start in our contract unfortunatly, we had a start date but the council pulled…

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6 years6 yearsDenver37buildDenver37build posted:
Metricon Denver 45

Hi Taylahlee,
This is the first time I'm commenting on one of these. We have been in the process of building with Metricon for over 12 months now but they are…

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