Suffolk Park Estate - Caversham, WA
hello guys, What nbn provider is good in Suffolk Estate? Also when is the best time to contact them? We are in Lock down stage and we are ticking a…

Kitchen Cupboard doors and drawer profile
I need an advise, We are thinking of upgrading our kitchen cupboard doors and drawers to a nice profile from Formica velour vinyl in heritage profile. We were just surprised…

I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?
Thanks Michelle!

I work in flooring - do you have a flooring question?
Hi Michelle, first time home builder here and I have read that Nylon for the carpet is the best choice. Which brand would you recommend that is not expensive but…

Building with Aveling in Balwyn Estate, WA
Hi Infuego, we are thinking of building with Aveling as well, any updates with the build?

Suffolk Park Estate - Caversham, WA
Hello future neighbours!!! I am in Stage 5 also Hallam View! Researching for builders now.

Suffolk Park Estate - Caversham, WA
Finally got our keys last Aug 18!!! 8) we are so happy!! Did anyone got any external contractor for the door on…

Costs for independent building inspector?
Who do you recommend for building inspector? I am also building in WA,very interested!

Building with Aveling in Balwyn Estate, WA
Looking good!!! Thanks for the update!

when should we contact an aircon installer?
Thank you guys, I will ask our builder if we can pre install to hide the pipes and such. We are building at Caversham area WA. Any good installer you…

when should we contact an aircon installer?
Hi,first home builder here and we have signed up with a builder (yey!) and I was just wondering in what stage of the build is the best time to…

Suffolk Park - Aussie Living - We gots the keys
I was just wondering will you be getting a contractor to build the crossover? Is it cheaper to have a contractor to do it rather than the builder?