House built in wrong spot
I don't know but what crossed my mind is 1) do the buyers have a specific reason for their suspicion 2) are just just being generally cautious 3) is it…
Jodes House - Aussie Liviing (WA) Garage Door FINALLY on :)
Is there any way of posting this little guy but going double time, just to encourage things along?
It probably feels worse than it is…
1990's Kitchen re-model / re-face project
Looking forward to following this thread. Very interesting to see the cutting machine, thanks for posting that pic. I think for your door you need a storm seal rather than…
The task ahead!
Sorry, I wasn't questioning it. It sounds quite feasible I suppose for a house of that vintage. I've heard of horse hair sofas.
Matt's house is sold...for a third time!
I'm sorry, I think I missed that the second sale had fallen through. What a roller coaster for you. Hope…
We are Moved In and unpacked: Almost in a month!
So sorry about the last minute hassles. Hope all goes well and you'll enjoy next weekend in your new home!
Damage to neighbours tree roots on my property - liability?
Mindboggling. It really would be ridiculous if an inappropriately planted tree on an adjoining property can interfere with what you do on yours? Btw any…
Asbestos in Eaves
The asbestos website put up by our local government says asbestos is likely in houses built prior to 1985.
Branching out into espalier
I love what you're doing. Please do post updates.
What colour to paint the fence???
I'm not sure I'd bother if you're planting in front anyway. Is it a standard paling fence or lap and cap? Do the neighbours have gardens yet? I know people…
How do I kill a eucalyptus tree discretely?
When they released land near us a few years ago they inspected the trees and kept a lot of them. We might have been interested in building again, if fact…
General questions re water tanks...
(Copy and paste from your duplicate query so I hope it's the same. Just as well I've been copying my replies because of computer problems, don't know if I could…
Is it safe to have a meter box on a bedroom external wall?
When PubMed (which comprises citations of articles from various medical journals) has hundreds of results for a search on electromagnetic fields and the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency…
How To Rid Of Neighbour's Cat Pooing In My Organic Garden
That's absolutely true, that's exactly what happens, that's what I've always understood... except the cats aren't behaving that way any more. It's really weird.
Garage on side of house
Our situation was similar. The fence needed to be fixed after a vehicle backed into it. No way was I going to let the kids play outside. The neighbour's out…
Garage on side of house
I don't mind garages, in fact I've seen some great contemporary homes where the garage is the most prominent feature or even the only visible feature because of the landscaping.…
How do I kill a eucalyptus tree discretely?
I saw this on the news just last night. ... 5838463185 I love trees but I'm not a fan of the tree protection regulations. I…
How To Rid Of Neighbour's Cat Pooing In My Organic Garden
Regarding the chilli powder suggestion, I've seen that one before but I've also seen advice not to do that as it can cause a lot of pain if the cat…
Bath/Shower shelf..
We have a shower shelf and it looks fine, it even looks straight... but it isn't straight cos the drainage hole is at one end and the water pools at…
1.2m raised garden bed!
Not sure I follow your post? I thought you were going to use the green non-arsenic stuff? But anyway "arsenate" in copper chrome arsenate refers to the arsenic.
1.2m raised garden bed!
Good to know that type is becoming more common. I first heard of it a few years ago when my parents had a wall built and was very pleased that…
1.2m raised garden bed!
Treated pine/veggies. Some people wouldn't do it. Just sayin'.
Inquiries: why no insulation in ground floor
It appears it's not between the floors. I don't know about rules but it doesn't sound right to me to ignore that avenue of escape for heat.
Sorry, I don't know…
Polished Porcelain, difference between factory Seal and Nano
So is nano finish just a marketing term (like "magnetic" photo albums, which actually had nothing to do with magnetism) or does it refer to nanoparticles in the coating?