Eaves - The Final Verdict - You Decide!
Well, I'm outta this forum. Been fun for the year or so but obviously time I moved on. Maybe the mods can remove my offensive posts?

Garage walls are chipboard.
I love the idea of someone having a shoe collection big enough to need garage walls for storage!!! Runners, heels or vintage/both?

Eaves - The Final Verdict - You Decide!
Helyn wrote:
Neither of these look good, but you get the gist.
Actually I quite like the look of the first one :Embarassed:
You can obviously look past a bad estate agent's photo…

Eaves - The Final Verdict - You Decide!
joles wrote:
I think there's a line that everyone has to be careful of.... there's voicing and discussing preferences Very Happy ...... and then there's telling people their houses look crap...…

Eaves - The Final Verdict - You Decide!
This look really bugs me... just wrong!:

Jo really loves charcoal and grey!
Hmm... I think the Taupe Grey (the middle colour) looks OK with the dark cupboards.
BTW Jo, our charcoal tiles actually go quite well with our slightly pinkish brown paint…

Eaves - The Final Verdict - You Decide!
Actually Matt, your house would shade the neighbours considerably, particularly the house on your eastern side. Remember the sun comes up a bit further to the south of east in…

Wow...someone used our new toilet!!
Our toilet was disgusting at handover ... think it took a couple of days for me to get up the guts to head in there with the disinfectant it smelt…

Dumping on our block!
Hmm... kpny - I need some bricks to build a veggie garden - where is your block??!
We were out for a walk last weekend and saw a bloke walk across…

Eaves - The Final Verdict - You Decide!
This house without eaves would look terrible:
Some non-residential eaves:

Our House Our Home...24/7 UPDATE..HANDOVER DAY!!!
You will most likely save the cost of moving the driveway in your first 2-3 years heating bills. In summer the sun sits high in the sky so won't come…

Frame Complete: M3tricon Mercer (01/02/09)
I love Japanese style gardens, looking forward to the pics when everything is finished. We chose and modified a house design to fit in with a rough garden plan ...…

Eaves - The Final Verdict - You Decide!
Eaves, or any other permanent horizontal window shading should be compulsory in Australia.
Note the shading provided to these windows:

Frame Complete: M3tricon Mercer (01/02/09)
Great... theatre room.... of course, the projector will heat it up...
So... the family room windows face a side fence that is just 2.5 metres…

Frame Complete: M3tricon Mercer (01/02/09)
It's ridiculous that EcoClassic and dymonite69 are still having their U-value debate when they could give you some great tips to save lots of energy.

Frame Complete: M3tricon Mercer (01/02/09)
Really sorry, but I just did one of the biggest double-takes I have ever done on this forum.
You are building in Melbourne and seriously reducing the size of the…

I want to buy a house, how easy was that!
We once made a very low offer on a house and the real estate agent did everything that a seller would want her to do. She got back to us…

Jo really loves charcoal and grey!
No, never, BROWN?! Not in your house Jo!

Temporary Window Coverings
Thanks Hannah.
One week too late, mine arrived this week ... could have saved the $18 P&H!
Great product, very happy with them.

All Australian Native garden - anyone attempted it?
Hear, hear Fu!!
The very discussion DH and I have at least once a week. His only specifications for our front garden were "native garden" he didn't specify "bush type" ...…

What would you do with this area?
You will only need 1.5 cubic metres of pebbles, cost around $100. Much cheaper and easier than artificial grass!

Cost of higher ceilings
Search the forum, there is another thread regarding roof pitch and ceiling height pricing (I say this because I can't remember how much ours cost, but know it is in…

Yarrabank or Rivergum Constructions anyone?
Yarrabank are building a house in our street. Taking a while but looks good.

mortar color
and my house
That is great! Our builder didn't give a stuff and just kept claiming that their red/brown sand WAS yellow. At least your builder…

Help me choose a tree please
If you have mulch around your Japanese Maple you should find lots of little ones growing around it each year. Think we potted up around 30 from one tree…

Jo really loves charcoal and grey!
I would like to know ... what happened to the orange in the kitchen?

Terracotta roof tiles...perfect tile!!!
lol - our neighbour-to-be was standing out the front of his house-to-be yesterday "doing the colorbond commercial" admiring his new roof.