First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
So 3 monthlist was submitted. Last mont! Still issues from handover outstanding:( and nothing on 3 month list attended too yet)
Cbs and hia is looking into thingsand gave us some…

First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
Yes plus they are doing our tainwater tank for $600 less than any other place so pretty good
all ip

First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
Tuesday soil removal and front yard will have grey stones. Plus paving soil for bricks going to back tuesday

First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
so still a struggle with things, hoping to have good news soon or things sorted soon but so far more hickups and issues and huge lists for the 3 month…

Hickinbotham Torquay Mod - Rear Verandah done
What bout preen spraybottle you use to do spot clean on carpets? Makes a foam rub it in and when dry vacuum it out? Or steam cleaning? You can get…

Hickinbotham Torquay Mod - Rear Verandah done
Love the way it’s starting to come together for you im still looking for good prices on fake lawn! If you find any pm them…

Hickinbotham Torquay Mod - Rear Verandah done
Lol 😂 still no word of our pavers... but ss knows bout it messaged ss yesterday will call later cause they need to fix paving too and we cant landscape/…

Hickinbotham Torquay Mod - Rear Verandah done
Lol looks great
Who did your pavers? Wondering if its tge guy that took our pavers... was supposed to be here same week then next then this week still no show!…

ADH - custom KDR in Clearview. Countdown to handover!!
Shouldbe fir termites

Hickinbotham Torquay Mod - Rear Verandah done
Ss did say thatthere is pull wites they can pull it through so my guess is just lazy and nothing to do with damages? Will ask him bout it this…

First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
Awesome will look at that

First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
Thank you!
Container was unpacked yesterday and everything was in garage. Container picked up today and everything mived to the rooms it will go into.
Didn’t had much sleep! Police was…

ADH - custom KDR in Clearview. Countdown to handover!!
congrats! It looks amazing!

ADH - custom KDR in Clearview. Countdown to handover!!
Yes submitted list last month but still have things from handover thats outstanding been a nightmare dealing with them the ss just didn’t even try…

Hickinbotham Torquay Mod - Rear Verandah done
We have had absolutely nothing fixed since the end of February! 😡 ss ignores us,maintenance keeps following up but still no reply or anything. Absolutely useless!

First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
All up $1729. Invluded removal at back (mountain of soil) leveling back. Dig out front bit includes rubble/sand/weednet , removal of front soil/bobcat hire and then top with blue grey…

First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
thank you, landscapers underestimated how hard the soil is ! as we have limited access they have to do it by hand! oops! levelling it will take a tad…

First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
He just said last week friday he will be in contact this week and pavers be returned and fixed this past week (but said that aince h/o) guess hes not…

First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
@entilhza did you have contact fromss this week?
Well it Seems he is avoiding us so called office who then transfered us to the maintenance…

Hickinbotham Torquay Mod - Rear Verandah done
Thats great! Ikea is $65 delivery this side! Nomatterhow many items!
We got some good things there but still need a hall table

Hickinbotham Torquay Mod - Rear Verandah done
Yes crazy! That inly indicates more that their intention was to take them and se them to someone else! We guess they now are awaiting too have it made by…

First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
loving our house just the quality issues but most work is really a hogh standard just a few that messed up...

First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
So git a security tinted film! But have to say we have a huge list for 3 month maintenance mainly paint/gyprock flush issues but also other ince thats showing like…

Hickinbotham Torquay Mod - Rear Verandah done
urgh also have same thing fir aircon not happy and filled our hole with bloidy silicon
Will demand on 3 month report to have it fixed(bricked up) and the pipe…

First home build SA Hickinbotham- keys 26/2
Our bedroom4 is extremely hot!even with binds. It seems toget direct sun. Our alfresco protects the lounge/dinnig area but unfortunately not our laat bedroom where the ac unit is also…

Hickinbotham Torquay Mod - Rear Verandah done
Luck the weather is warm not sure what gas meter people are doing! They are so behind dont see the pount of booking them in…