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18 Posts
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Joined 2 October 2009


RepresentingLok Tin Feng Shui

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House number
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The fundamental of Feng Shui
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locked star
7 Posts
16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
locked star

There are two ways.
1. If the "Ming Tung", or the "Bright Hall" has natural water, the number 8 is not considered in Prison.
2. Use moving water place at the…

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
House number

Are you really born on the 08/08/1968/ 8pm?
Where were you born?
Edgar (lok tin) Yung

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
Feng what

If you know nothing about Feng Shui, the best thing to do is to declutter your place, especially the main entry inside and outside. Clean and tidy place invites positive…

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
street drain infront of block good feng shui?

If it drains directly in front of the house, it is terrible Feng Shui. However if the drainage is at the following positions in relation to the middle point…

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
Kitchen and bathroom share a common wall. Is this bad?

If the Stove and Toilet bowl is back to back on the same wall, this is no good FENG Shui. Try to avoid the Sink and the Stove back to…

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
Feng Shui

Well, Feng Shui, Some people believe in it and some don't. It does not mean Feng Shui not exist.
Actually Feng Shui is everywhere if you know the Feng Shui secret.

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
Roof colour and fengshui?

In old time in China, there were rules for colouring the roof, the wall, the main door and so.
There are three different colouring rules. 1 for the Emperor, like the…

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
Fish Tank.

as Jude mentioned that every home or business is unique, each consultation requires an individual analysis based on the compass direction of the building.
However there is a general rule for…

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
House number

For Chinese Astrology Four Pillars of Destiny calculation, the True Solar time is to be used. I asked where were you born, so I can work out the true solar…

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
locked star

What do mean?

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
Kitchen and bathroom share a common wall. Is this bad?

The best I suggest is to see which one, the stove or the toilet is more easy to move!
Edgar (Lok Tin) Yung

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
The fundamental of Feng Shui

In the old time, Chinese used Feng Shui and The fundamental of Feng Shui is to produce as many quality offspring as possible. That is why China is still the…

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
The fundamental of Feng Shui

Hi there,
There are a lot of incorrect concepts about FENG SHUI.
I am interested to know from your point of view.
Please feel free to discuss.
Edgar (Lok Tin) Yung

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
House number

The reason for Chinese wanting an Eight (8) is that 8 means making a lot money.
Last year the Olympic games opening date was 2008, 08, 08 at 8:08pm!

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
Roof colour and fengshui?

Yes, it is bad Feng Shui if outside is another stairs going down too.
Edgar (Lok Tin) Yung

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:

Hi, yes, talking about Feng Shui of course. Mirror should not face to the door, it will show it's reflection. You can place it at the back of the door.

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:

Mirror in the Bedroom, it is need to find out for who first. For single person, boy or girl, you can use mirrors in the room but remember don;t face…

16 years16 yearsLoktinLoktin posted:
do you do fengshui yourself or hire a prof?

If Feng Shui is believe in it or not, then it is resulting this ancient Chinese Art.

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