5PostsMost Active Topics
15 years15 yearsLocalBuilders posted:
hmmm... Interiors...
hmmm... Interiors...
I'm with Michelle... most of them I liked. Could I justify the costs, thats a different story
15 years15 yearsLocalBuilders posted:
You have to see this!
You have to see this!
What The!!
Suppose its better than the up side down bridge they built last year!!
15 years15 yearsLocalBuilders posted:
Solar Hybrid Air conditioning.
Solar Hybrid Air conditioning.
agree this does look interesting!! Has any one used this system or ones like it and can comment on costs?
15 years15 yearsLocalBuilders posted:
My Eden Brae home just failed Final Inspection
My Eden Brae home just failed Final Inspection
BUDGET $1200 for an INDEPENDENT inspector that YOU PAY FOR
Thank you for this... very good advice!!
do you have other tips you could share? Any more must does? I'd very…
Joined homeone
14 August 2010