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Joined 13 July 2009
Loyal Member
13 years13 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Need an architect - any suggestions??

I am looking for a talented architect/designer with a modern flair either located in Adelaide or happy to work by distance with me.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Thank you

13 years13 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Turf help!!

The grass we have is patchy and looks like it is dying.
I need help choosing a turf to grow from seeds and the process to ensure it grows well. If…

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Building a duplex in ADELAIDE

I am looking at building a duplex in Adelaide. Do we need to subdivide the land? Can anyone recommend a good surveyor or planner that can organise this process?

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
How long does gyprocking take?

Hi forum,
Just curious as to how long people's plasterers took to put in the gyprock in their house... mine should be starting tomorrow and just wondering how long it all…

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Building at Lightsview, Northgate, SA - Front Door On!!

Thanks evelyn....
Can I have the help of all forum readers?? I'm trying to find exterior house lights and have found a few (See the below links). Can anyone help me…

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Building at Lightsview, Northgate, SA - Front Door On!!

Hi Thao,
I've sent you a private message. Please read and respond.

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Building at Lightsview, Northgate, SA - Front Door On!!

Austral Nougat.... the red bricks will be rendered....
I wish it was finished already so I could move in!

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Building in SA!

Hey fellow SA people!
Just wanted to add my build to this thread.
Building with Scott Salisbury at Lightsview (Northgate)... house is currently at bricking stage.
Looking forward to following other builds on…

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Building at Lightsview, Northgate, SA - Front Door On!!

Hi Pugs... Can I have some cabling advice?
We are in an estate that has fibre optic cabling and the builder is connecting the conduit from the street to my house.

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Caz's Atherton- deck and yard starting soon!- pg 40

Wow your house is looking great! Can't wait to see the bricks go up!

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
mr smith&mrs_smiths building adventures-update pg12-DIY

Hey Mr&Mrs Smith,
Any update on the leak?

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
A & E's Panorama - Settling in... and LOVING it!

Hey, I've been a long time follower of your thread, and I just wanted to say that your house is looking fantastic! Love it!!

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Lightsview, Northgate - Land in Adelaide, SA

Hi Monica,
Yes I bought in Lightsview and am in the process of building there. It's going to be a fantastic area.
If you are free tomorrow (Sunday) they have an event…

12 years12 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Building at Lightsview, Northgate, SA - Front Door On!!

Hey frozenkuku - yes it was completed several years ago now.

13 years13 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Turf help!!

I'm in Adelaide, South Australia.
Someone has recommended Munns Golf Course Green Seeds. Anyone had any experience with them?
What is the best way to sow the seeds?

14 years14 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Can anyone tell me what these plants are?

Hi all,
Just wondering if anyone can identify these plants for me.
http://s91.photobucket.com/albums/k298/ ... ne/Garden/
Many thanks

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
How long from plastering until handover?

Hey people,
Just wondering what people's experiences have been for how long from plastering to handover....
Also, what happens after plastering?

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Longridge Madison - lalala

Somewoman, I absolutely love your place! Where abouts in Adelaide are you building??

Building at Lightsview, Northgate, SA - Front Door On!!
15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Homestead(SA) - Medsy's Build Pics - Painting Pics 04/04

Looking great! Can't wait to keep an eye on the rest of your build!

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
More Fencing Drama's!

Hi Shelz,
The business doesn't necessarily need to be a company, which means they will not appear on an ASIC search.
You could try searching www.abr.business.gov.au with…

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
What would you do / what can we do SO MANY MISTAKES!!!

Hi kateypink,
If you want legal advice, the company I work for deals with this sort of stuff. Feel free to get in touch.

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Building at Lightsview, Northgate, SA - Front Door On!!

Jasper... I'm hoping it will look good.
What's your facade going to look like? Are you rendering?

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Building at Lightsview, Northgate, SA - Front Door On!!

Latest photos from today....
Bricking for feature post at the front of the house done....
Most of the brick work done now.... only side of garage left to do!

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Building with Dechellis in 2010

Wow evelyng, can't wait to follow your build!
Fantastic design and a great builder - have only ever heard good things about them!
Can't wait to see things get moving!

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Building at Lightsview, Northgate, SA - Front Door On!!

Hi everyone!
I've been a visitor of this forum for a while but thought it is about time to start my own thread.
I am building with Scott Salisbury Homes in the…

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Our Little Home (Caraway) Photo Heavy - Carpet is in!!!!

Just had a read through your thread - your place is looking great! It seems like it all went quick for you which is great!
Looking forward to watching future progress!

15 years15 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Dechellis Homes.. anyone building with them?

Hi Leanne,
I'm not building with them but I've only heard good things about them. Perhaps try posting your question under the "Building in SA" thread.
Sorry I can't be more helpful.

16 years16 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Building at Lightsview, Northgate - Trenches have been dug!!

Trenches were dug today!!

16 years16 yearslightsviewlightsview posted:
Modern FENCE ideas please....

Hey everyone,
I was wondering if people can share some modern fence ideas.... photos would be good too!
Thanks :-)

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13 July 2009

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