Building the Waldorf Grange by Porter Davis
Good luck with your build, sounds like its going pretty well - hope that continues.
We've finally started to look again at building and have plans to choose either…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
0.000000000000000001% chance,
it's statistically insignificant.
sorry to hear about the difficulties, if you had your time over again would you build?
seems like the bank works for the builder and has no…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
Yes, I'd probably opt for the solid wall option in the master en-suite, so no privacy issues to master bedroom, you still have the balcony, the terrace becomes anyone's then…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
Drove there today to have a look/see at the 50, liked it a lot, the void really helps light penetration into the middle of the house, prefer the master en-suite…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
sogg do you have a link for that csiro doc?

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
brenton, excellent job, if you update this as you go piecemeal, it will be an incredible resource for people starting out building
cheers, wasn't expecting that so quick

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
brenton thanks for feedback; the point i'm trying to make as i understand it, in connection with PD and the Waldorf is:
1) Surface drainage is not standard and not provided…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
brenton, seems quite extensive and looks to be effective. my query is;
originally you got no surface drainage as part of your build, and this is default, the typical waldorf punter…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
Brenton, i'm just an angry un-employed loner ranting on a forum, LOL
but seriously i'm a building services engineer working mostly in computer modelling around buildings, mostly commercial, HVAC is bread…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
By whom?
the building control officer / building surveyor? they are not experts in these fields
for "alternative solution" i would read 'inferior solution'
m'lud apples are oranges, because i say so…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
I agree, my view is that these 'alternative methods' or deemed to satisfy approaches are wholly un-satisfactory, the vendor is short changed.
You are getting inferior solution in lieu of…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
40kw on a 400m2 house is about right- i'd say slightly under ideal; 21kw wont cut it on the warm days especially with el cheapo single glazing, if your gonna…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
Yikes, that's about 10% increase, which seems pretty extreme, wonder if other houses across their range have increased by similar amounts; time to consider alternatives judging by the quality of…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
if you get a chance, check how wide the hallway is in the waldorf @ williams landing, i'm sure its a good 3 or 4 extra feet wider than normal,…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
Chris, the way to work this out, is to decide what is important to you.
saving money? get the cheap, single glazed, poor frame
environmentally minded? get the option to save energy,…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
tbh did u get the pink chicken pox issue resolved?

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
whats an articulation joint? one thing after another eh? i see helen has given up

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
agree with majority of this; 2.5m2 loss on a 450m2 is 1/2 a percent, but agree with the credit back any lost floor area
extending slab doesn't sound right, surely…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
agree, could also possibly be the framer has gone too long etc, putting faith in PD to fix is a mighty long shot going by what i read on this…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
Yeah i see your point - but there's a chronological order in the build, if all trades just do what they want and not make some adjustments here and there…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
Jesus, shooddy shooddy work, i'd blame the framer, hey joe this slab is a bit short, i've a great idea, lets build the frame around the outside of the slab…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
dude, tell him he's dreaming, if they ain't on the drawings they ain't going in.
oh wait you never get any drawings of the vent layouts

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
appears you dont get water or drainage or ventilation layouts right?

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
Yes, sorry to read of all the difficulties, pink chicken pox doesn't sound good. I would also have thought that the profile of your project would have ensured a…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
get what you mean, but its the other way round right?
R m2k/w = L (m) / k (w/mk) or Resistance = thickness / conductivity
conductivity of the insul plays a part…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
probably hasn't stopped them before though,
thanks to the wall makeup from outside to inside is:
< wooden frame>
is that correct?? wonder how thick you insulation will be on the walls?

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
looking good tbh, is there no insulation in your walls? just the sisalation/vapour barrier?

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
well done phil and all the waldorians on this thread,
100/40mbps sounds freaking awesome we have DSL here which is a 20meg line but only 1 up, which is pure…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
Hey, not sure if this has already been posted but i noticed, the Waldorf 48 Display for Sale in Berwick Waters with the Hamptons style has been reduced by 40K,…

Building a Waldorf or Marriot by Porter Davis
Yes, its a lot of money and you'd think these processes would be more effective/transparent, but somehow it all evaporates into the ether.
I get the impression, you can get lucky…