Aveling Build - Rosehill Waters
It also doesn't help that garages on modern houses are now often built on the boundary.

Aveling Build - Rosehill Waters
It could be a local government rule for crossovers. Some councils seem to have some strict rules regarding crossovers with regard to their width, distance from boundary and wing…

Problem with finishing
These are designed for weep holes in BAL areas. I don't think they are designed for what you want but they may help. I'm not sure how they…

Neighbour build their garage right up the fence line
That's what I though when I noticed it in the contract. Luckily for me it didn't come up. In my case my lot is bordered by retaining walls…

Neighbour build their garage right up the fence line
Have a look at your contract. My contract had a clause in it that said the boundaries may not be exactly as described and there was compensation if the…

Fencing - Neighbour doesn’t want to pay for fencing.
Your neighbor at the time of putting the fence up was the developer not the people who eventually bought in September. Did you try chasing the developer when you put…

Water leaking through garage wall
With the amount of rain we had yesterday I wouldn't be surprised if the gutters just couldn't handle the flow of water. If the gutters overflowed the water only has…

Challenging architectural detail
Is that just decorative capping/edging (sorry not sure what the technical term for it is) or is there to cover something up? If so I can think of 2…