Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Sorry Mystro I am also in Bal12.5 with pivot door

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Just received today the notification for the development on Swift Parrot from the Hills and have till the 9 Sept to submit objections.

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Did they sent you a notification with the plan or just the notification?
How are you able to reject the project if you don't know what it is?
This is restricting your…

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
We are getting bank paperwork this week and the the builders do whatever they need then to start we had to redo the bank loan paperwork.
What is your thought on…

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Don't think they would they get more $ by approving it

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Spoke to council and they have nothing to do with it they rules and guidelines are non-existent as the project went to regional state application.
We have to contact local MP…

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
@wearemoving where?
I can't find complain or rejection
I can e-submission but that is for submitting

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
We spoke to our builders and would loose a total of $20k if we pull out now!

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
I don't think any reports from the 3 da shows the total amount of traffic.
Each are individual report so reports shows that it is fine but as a whole it…

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Most of us on the other side ( we are in Fantail Place) went with this company
Email them let them know you are from the estate and…

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Hi Mystro,
Video does not belong to council but Starr partners real estate.
We can contact them about false advertising but that is it.

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
the only day we can visit the estate is Sunday if not already busy which is like every Sunday but I will be ok with anything against the development of…

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Zina too but I don't really get attached even after picking and modifying the house to our taste it would not phase me if I had to let go.
I always…

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Applegum has 2x5storey height apartment in application as well

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Wearemoving want to see the full extend of the estate da proposal if the units and daycare are approved as if I want to sell I rather sell the vacant…

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Construction start to be delayed till November the maximum as per tenders so by then hopefully we will know what is happening with all the applications.

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
How this is not even council anymore but state so if state agrees, the developer does not have to listen to us

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
This is the link I found
Will look into it later but we are also looking at other options as well I did not move out the city because they…

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Remember to do it for both applications, one on swift parrot and one on regent honeyeaters if one pass the others pass as per precedence rule

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
What I don't understand is the this is an r4 zone with max 16 meter height and this application is 21.3 meter.

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
Don't think they are but is enough of us raise the issue it might be different should maybe look at the advertising that they have as it could be classified…

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
We are in the cul the sac so don't really know how it would visually affect us!

Grey Gum Estate Kellyville
624 Car space for the 8 buildings
37 residential homes 2-3 cars each
1 childcare
Could this means easily 300+ cars to exit Swift Parrot Close onto Applegum Cres when…