2nd gen Horticulturist with 1st gen Aussie kids

Finish dishwashing tablets
Great, so you just fill the powder dispenser with bicarb?
My dishwasher has clogging issues constantly. Maybe there is a use for those teenagers I have lounging about the house -…

Termite attack
It's going to be lots of fun, we are both looking forward to it. And it will be wonderful to stop primping and preening the garden at last...

Termite attack
Hi everyone,
It’s been a LONG time since I went on Homeone – but now I'm back.
I’ve just found termites with lots of sharp teeth and huge appetites in my house…

Ideas wanted on Agave's
Wherever you put them, make sure they're not in traffic routes, as they are quite fragile, and are easily damaged.
They're great in pots, and fantastic in the ground as well,…

Topiary, Pleaching, Espalier and Hedging
Welcome Topiarius, nice to have you on board.
Awesome pix, love pleaching- hedges on legs! Thanks Fu for the persuasion

Help with backyard paving
I would suggest a more generous depth of garden bed 750-1200mm, as this will give you more choice of plants for your landscape, have a more cooling-softening effect, and offer…

Low Maintenance Front Garden - ideas please!!
Sorry to make you cry Fu, really didn't mean it THAT way

Roundup Question
Goats are brilliant at bracken fern eradication, and sheep love ragwort; just in case you'd like a couple of alternative treatments...

screening ideas
Check out the thread "Fast Growing Trees", it covers some of this info too; and some of the pros and cons of bamboo...

Staghorn on Jacaranda; Weeds; Grass now with PICS
That second weed would be buttercup, we don't get them here in Perth, but do in NZ (used to play with them when I was a kid). It would respond…

Wanted - Meterosideros Fiji Fire
Fu those Acalyphas are awesome, and the Croton looks amazing; pity they don't quite translate that well to Perth...

English Box Hedge
Also planted hedges of
Murraya paniculata
Duranta Geisha Girl - growing too rapidly for the position and somewhat unruly (too high maintenance), so that's coming out and being replaced with Pittosporum Little…

Anyone planting fruit trees? :)
Have put in -
Macadamia - hope they ripen and drop before the black cockies get them
Chilean Guava
Dwf Nectarine
Dwf Peach
Tahitian Lime
Ballerina Apple
Meyer Lemon - loaded, branches creaking
sowed some Goji berries today

Termite attack
Thanks for the tip ref_kt,
He was fantastic, and all done on the Friday before the wedding... last minute organised chaos! Just had one of his workmates back for a…

A massive welcome back to lacebark!!!!
Thanks Fu. Nice to be back on board.

Keeping Fu Green... :)
When you buy a liquidamber, make sure you buy it while it's showing its autumn colour, as they can be very variable - some show no autumn change at all.

Is landscaper a compulsion
You can do it!
Look around your local area at what other peep's gardens are like, and steal some of their ideas if you like them. Look at loads of pics…

Nectarine tree with new pics 30/08
and a thick, dense hedge in the making... regular pruning and trimming is the go for a lovely hedge in the long run.

Artificial grass
I agree, Fu.
How can anyone say this stuff is environmentally friendly is anyone's guess. To spruik it as an enviro friendly choice compared with live turf? I don't know how…

Recommendation for turf installer - Perth (NOR)?
Watch out for the chunky bits in your tea... I just bought a frother for drinks, that should give a lovely creamy head on your poo tea... yum!

Eucalypt Help!!
Try spraying it with Drought Shield (Stressguard), a product to help reduce transpiration, or water loss from the foliage. It helps lots with transplant shock too.
I agree with the previous…

New Japanese style garden Sydney photos
Nice work, looks lovely and tranquil. Camellias will look fantastic as a green wall.

Advice on what to do with our side boundary please?
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the neighbours liable for retaining any fill they have added at the boundary?
I thought the natural contours before any cut or fill…

What kind of grass and how to prepare the sand.
Monkeyupatree, check out this thread, it'll get you started, anyways...
Recommendation for turf installer - Perth (NOR)

Which tree & plants to use for our front garden?
Beautiful choice, HtB, hope they give you pleasure and shade. Australia definitely needs more trees...
Sorry Fu, can't take credit for that one, you've taught me something there, thanks

Staghorn on Jacaranda; Weeds; Grass now with PICS
Yup, looks like a strawberry, but not.
Look familiar?

Low Maintenance Front Garden - ideas please!!
You'll recognise Fu by his Kung Fu stance and his seagull legs...

English Box Hedge
Pics - Not yet anyways, Fu, only planted it August last year. Escallonia Red Knight was the chosen one, at 1000mm cs, growing nicely too, thanks.

Which tree & plants to use for our front garden?
Glad you're enjoying the muzak, Fu
mwaahhh hhaaa hhaaa