Do you regret building a smaller home?
I disagree that kids don't need good size bedrooms anymore.
Before buying our current house (which we're about to leave) my brother advised me that small kid's bedrooms is fine because…

Did you build a 3 or 4 bedroom house and why?
I'm very curious as to whether people value living space, bedrooms or yard space more.
I guess I'm greedy because I want lots of all three! We are building what…

$103 to Upgrade PP to Include USB?
We were also going to be charged $100 or more extra, for them to supply and install power points with built-in USB. There is no extra wiring required so I…

Info & tips for those building in BAL40 and Flame Zone
Before submitting my DA to the council, I had gotten some advice from the bushfire consultants, but the council didn’t ask for a bushfire report with my DA, so…

Custom KDR in Flame Zone
Some things I've learnt along the way:
We have sourced and supplied most of the non-structural stuff for this house we are building, including: all bathroom fittings, all cabinetry, all flooring,…

Top mount sink in stone: drainer or no drainer and taps
Our current kitchen has double undermount sink with no drainer. We have chipped the edge of the granite benchtop at the sink, but on the dark granite it's not really…

Custom KDR in Flame Zone
Tiling was finished today, plumber is meant to do fix-out this week and next week they will start painting. Then the electrician fix-out. Then I guess they'll be cleaning…

Custom KDR in Flame Zone
Well in the 9 1/2 mths since I last posted what was happening with my build - my house is almost finished! I really wanted to keep a diary of…

Bad wall tiling?
Hi, I'm hoping to get some advice from someone who knows about building standards regarding tiling, please. In the process of building a new house and I noticed the wall…

basix report
My two cents will be too late for Leksie5000 but might be useful for others:
What your Basix calls for will affect the builder's quote of course, but after talking to…

help choosing shower please?
Hi. I have to buy the shower this week and I don't know how to choose a good one without getting to try them. I know I want a hand-held…

Drop-in bath surround
I'm planning a drop-in bath with tiled ledge around it, but I'm not sure how wide the ledge should be. Is there a standard width or a minimum or…

Bath in ensuite, shower in main bathroom
I would think very few adults have a bath regularly, so I would think most buyers would be put off by not having a shower in their ensuite. An ensuite…

$103 to Upgrade PP to Include USB?
They may become obsolete but should be good for a few years at least, I figured. At $40 each it seemed to me to be worth getting a few. At…

Do you regret building a smaller home?
I think you should make a list of pros & cons:
Bigger house:
bigger mortgage & less money to spend on other things

Info & tips for those building in BAL40 and Flame Zone
One benefit we got from the bushfire rating & requirements was a reduction in the requirement for rainwater tanks.
In the Basix assesment there’s a section on how much water…

Info & tips for those building in BAL40 and Flame Zone
Stick to standard sizes & shapes – our architect tried to get us to have a triangular window right up under the gable eaves, regardless of the impossibility of adding…

Info & tips for those building in BAL40 and Flame Zone
Ideally you will consider the bushfire requirements when starting to design your house, as that will impact on the cost. I recommend hiring a bushfire consultant before you get far…

Info & tips for those building in BAL40 and Flame Zone
Hi Caff, welcome to my thread. I look forward to hearing your experiences.

Info & tips for those building in BAL40 and Flame Zone
I'm starting this thread to pass on what I've learnt about building in a Flame Zone, in the hope that others will find it useful. Feel free to add your…

Custom KDR in Flame Zone
Turns out tiling wasn't finished after all. They left too large a gap around the wall mounted tap and will have to pull the tile off and cut a new…

list your favorite gadget in kitchen...
not sure what counts as a gadget, but what I "couldn't live without":
dishwasher (hate washing up!)
sandwich toaster (we use it every day)
my big cake-mixer (I love baking)

Custom KDR in Flame Zone
When we started looking into building in a Flame Zone, I was told the FZ requirements can add $60,000 to $80,000. I didn't believe it, but now I think it…

Bathroom Windows - Obscure or Clear?
I choose clear because if it was obscure, but I had the window open the neighbours would see in through the open window, so shutters would still be required, and…

Hi from Tibor
Hi Tibor.
If you're still on this forum, I have a question I hope you can answer please:
With the BCA requiring non-slip tread or nosings on stairs, what are our options…

Your Hidden Costs After Building
What is & isn't included varies between builders no doubt. Here are some of the extra things that came up for us that I wasn't expecting & didn't include in…

bath set-up
For my new bathroom I have chosen a drop in bath and I'd like to have a ~10cm tiled surround on all sides for plenty of space to put shampoo…