Shower Issues - 5 Year old Home
Hi thanks for that, realised the sealant around edges was wear and tear, didn't think the grout disappearing between tiles was though

Whens too late to upgrade slab?
Hi, thanks for your feedback, i was thinking the same
to be honest, i had 2 geo's done as i had two tenders, from two different builders
both come back with M…

Who's building with Clarendon??
Hi All, i just got my email from ECNSW to connect my gas / elec directing me to a page to sign up, does everyone just do this with them…

Who's building with Clarendon??
How long from final consolidation signing to construction start, i am told my file gets handed over to management for review today then to construction

Who's building with Clarendon??
Anyone in NSW had any luck getting the LED kight switches included in sapphire ?

Building a roof over deck to the boundry
Looking to put a roof over the side area of our home
The area is about 7mx3m and is a combination of conrete pathway and decking
The lot next door is…

Shower Issues - 5 Year old Home
We have a 5 year old home where we have some issues with one of the showers.
What we are noticing is along the walls and floor there are a heap…

Need helo with kitchen colours (Plleaase)
I am looking for more photos/opinions of any kitchens done with a cavia lini (or similar) and white combination as i need to make a decision today
i have selected this…

Dropper shower head height from roof to shower?
I have an urgent decision to make about the height of the dropper head shower i am having in my main shower, my ceilings are 2.6m
Here is the shower head.