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Joined 10 February 2009
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16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Best plants/design to go around garden paths?

HAHAHAAHA now that would be different!! :wink:

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Best plants/design to go around garden paths?

Thanks heaps guys, any other plants that people can think of?
Are there mini versions of this type of grass? The reason I ask is that the path is in the…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
colorbond for front fence?

Hmmm, I am thinking now we might go brick...I just dont think colourbond will go with the house.
We would like a 1.5m solid brick then slates to make it…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Can anyone recommand a good sand and polish company in Syd?

Hi everyone,
I have been searching and searching for a good sand and polish floorboard company and just want to go from word of month, as it is such a big…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
New fence...a lot of foliage on neighbours side who pays?

We are looking at getting a new side fence; our side is ready for the fence to go up however the neighbour’s side is overgrown with ivy and other plants.

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Where to find barn/stable door for inside of house?

Does anyone know where I can buy a stable door in Sydney?
Any help would be great :D

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Kitchen door or no kitchen door?

Yes kitchen has its own room. Our house is not opened planned, and the only real benefit to a kitchen door I guess is that it adds character to the…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
What is the best way to strip paint of doors?

Yes I have heard that if the doors are not solid wood the chemical dip can harm the glue in the wood. I am almost sure that they are solid…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
besser blocks do they reduce traffic noise as well as bricks

We are thinking of the best way to reduce traffic noise for our front fence which at the moment is only a 1m high. We are wanting at least a…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Fu can you tell me what is wrong with this plant

Sorry this doesnt help... but I love the name :lol: :lol:

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Tree man has ruined by agave succulent, can I prune it back?

My agave succulents have all scratches and stems are broken in parts from where a big tree was cut down which they were at the base and got the brunt…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Ariston...good or bad?

Has anyone used the brand? I was looking at a rangehood that was $1700 reduced down to $900, and it is very nice looking.
I have heard mixed reviews, can…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
What makes you select a kitchen company?

What I would like to see is more "kitchen designers" rather than "sales people". The way I see it, if you are a great designer and have great people skills…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Best plants/design to go around garden paths?

What are people thoughts on supermarket plants, should I stay away from them, and only buy from a nursery?

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Best plants/design to go around garden paths?

Where do I find a soil test? From Bunnings? Once I know what my soil is like I guess my plant choice will be based on the soil type. Ha…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Best plants/design to go around garden paths?

Hi guys,
We have just completed a garden path that is in the center of our front yard. We have quite a large yard so we are finding it hard to…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
colorbond for front fence?

Are there any regulations from council on having a colourbond front fence? will it be cheaper then brick? Also will it just vibrate traffic noise as we live on a…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
New fence...a lot of foliage on neighbours side who pays?

We will be getting colourbond...but the problem is that our fence runs next to our garage and will make it very hard for the fence man to squeeze in between…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
found small chips in brand new laminate kitchen????

Yes I have expressed my concerns and he is coming out today to inspect the areas I have problems with. Why is it chipped? I thought that laminate was tough,…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
found small chips in brand new laminate kitchen????

Just wanted to asked if anyone has found with their new laminate kitchen that there is some small chips in the laminate after it has been installed??
Our kitchen was installed…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Where to find barn/stable door for inside of house?

Thanks for your replies! I do know how to make one out of a plain door, but I was more after the look of a barn/stable door, not a modern…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
liming floorboards pros and cons?

Has anyone had this completed in their homes? Does it go yellow after a period of time? Also what is the best finish on floorboards when you have inside dogs?…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Kitchen door or no kitchen door?

hahaha, ok you have convinced me ::lol:: ::lol:: ::lol::

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Kitchen door or no kitchen door?

What are the benefits of having a kitchen door... are there any? We have one but dont know whether or not to keep it.
Calling people who have a kitchen door…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
What is the best way to strip paint of doors?

We have just picked up 7 doors of ebay for a bargin price...just wondering what is the best way to strip the paint of them, as some have chipped paint…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Tree man has ruined by agave succulent, can I prune it back?

Oh really, thanks for the info Fu :D

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Tree man has ruined by agave succulent, can I prune it back?

Thanks for the info, but the tree he cut down was full of termites and was completely dead, so no good stuff was associated with that tree :lol:

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Ariston...good or bad?

Thanks guys for replying :D
I have decided not to go with Ariston as their website is crap and it took me 2.5hours to…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
Outdoor washing machine - need advice!

Without pictures it is hard to visualize your set-up, but I was thinking more along the lines of privacy screens on the side of your carport. This way they will…

16 years16 yearsKris000Kris000 posted:
What makes you select a kitchen company?

The fact that you use this quote "Kitchens are like finger prints, no two are ever the same!!" you are on the right track. Maybe you need to brush up…

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10 February 2009

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