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23 Posts
Junior Member

23PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 3 February 2021
Junior Member
2 years2 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Using stormwater for toilet flushing

Sorry, yes, I was referring to reusing rainwater collected directly from the roof.

2 years2 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Using stormwater for toilet flushing

Hello, My build is just about to start internal plastering. Outside cladding is in progress. I would like a stormwater connection to all toilets. Plumbing is already done with main…

2 years2 yearsKotexKotex posted:
House wrap and Hebel installation

Thanks, the builder going to rectify those. Timber post is not to be wrapped as it's not linked to habitual space they say

2 years2 yearsKotexKotex posted:
House wrap and Hebel installation

See some photos attached showing the Hebel installation in progress.
A few first-floor frame areas are not wrapped including the outdoor timber post, top frame, etc, Is that normal.…

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
KDR - Fencing

Hi All,
Do we need to arrange fences after demolition ? Or is that covered by builder under OHS ?
Can we keep the land open after demolition till, builder takes…

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Data Cabling - Hampshire 45A - Metricon

For WIFI access points , what is the best place ?
I am thinking asking two provision for ceilings in both floors, central to the house ?
Do we need power…

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Data Cabling - Hampshire 45A - Metricon

Thanks for the info

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Data Cabling - Hampshire 45A - Metricon

yes, that's an option depending on your house plan

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Data Cabling - Hampshire 45A - Metricon

Thanks Renman
It is the same side I was referring earlier.
Where do you got the NBN connection terminated in house then ?
I see…

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Hampshire 45

Hello, Can the data cabling be done after handover and to what extent ? I am thinking to move the NBN and CR to closer to a void wall so…

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Data Cabling - Hampshire 45A - Metricon

I got a question on data cabling. Appreciate your inputs.
Can the NBN connection point in the garage of the standard plan be moved to a different position ?
I am…

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb

thanks Renman. Its nice. I see you had one earlier posted showing around the staircase as well. Nice to see balustrades for both…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
My KDR Metricon Hampshire - Liberty - 45 Melb

Hi Renman
Do you have a photo of your stairs? Did you upgrade it > What was the additional cost?

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Underground Power Pit Process?

yeh, That's big increase. I was told normally cabling including to some length. Any idea to get this reviewed with someone from supplier ?

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Underground Power Pit Process?

I got a quote for 3phase 76Amp as below. The pit is just 2 meters from the pole. Is this sound reasonable?
Cost of Pit Installation $ 4900.00
Additional Cabling Cost (2)…

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Underground Power Pit Process?

I am about to go through the same process. - With United Energy, - South East Melbourne.
When do they charge for this?
With initial application (free of charge) they do…

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Best possible power pit installation options

Appreciate your advice on this.
I am going on a knockdown and rebuild in a court location (United Energy). The electricity pole is opposite to my land (middle of the front…

Kotex followed:
4 years4 years
4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
NBN Connection, Telephone and TV wiring

What are the most economical options in connecting NBN, Telephone, TV when doing a new home double story. What should the builder be doing in minimum so that extra stuff…

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Estimate Costs - Knockdown and Rebuild

Thank you..all make sense

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Estimate Costs - Knockdown and Rebuild

Thanks again - ok, disappointing process.
Do you know major volume builders like to go with Cost plus contracts ?

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Estimate Costs - Knockdown and Rebuild

Thanks for that reply.
Our situation is we are going with a volume builder and got the site cost estimated - it is very much higher than the original estimate.

4 years4 yearsKotexKotex posted:
Estimate Costs - Knockdown and Rebuild

We are onto KDR in Victoria and in the process of collecting contracts from various builders. We have been given below items estimated in bulk, but would really like…

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