3PostsMost Active Topics
4 years4 years
kopipeng posted:
Rainwater Tank creating Dead Zone

Rainwater Tank creating Dead Zone
Hey SaveH20, thanks for your reply. I have seen the such requirement of 450mm to the boundaries, however they are for tank above 1.8m height. (https://www.teampoly.com.au/2018/06/15/…
4 years4 years
kopipeng posted:
Rainwater Tank creating Dead Zone

Rainwater Tank creating Dead Zone
I have to agree with you on that part where NSW Development Code is poorly written. I would assume the setback requirement for the rainwater tank (> 1.8m height) is…
4 years4 years
kopipeng posted:
Rainwater Tank creating Dead Zone

Rainwater Tank creating Dead Zone
Hi All, this is my first post...so let me know if I am asking the question in the wrong section.
I am building my first home with a volume builder…
Joined homeone
14 November 2020