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Newcastle, NSW
Joined 15 February 2015
Gold Member
7 years7 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Just a heads up, there is no hurry to get your final occupancy certificate. You only really need it if you are planning to sell. We still don’t have ours…

7 years7 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

No problems with our microwave or dishwasher. We've been in for a year now.

7 years7 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

We have the SMEG appliances and have had no issues at all. We have a freestanding 900mm oven with gas cooktop.

7 years7 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Williams Designer Homes build, West Wallsend NSW - Moved In

I was eyeing that ottoman off at Freedom yesterday

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

All 3 toilets the seats are all out of whack, one the button constantly needs adjusting and the soft close doesn't work on another. The tablet just doesn't turn on…

7 years7 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

It's slowly getting there, still so much to do. We got some more retaining walls in last week and put veggie gardens in. Just need to plant them out now.

7 years7 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Clarendon don't give a crap about quality, they try and get away with the bare minimum.

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Yep we had to pay the $700, killed me to do it but I refused to have scotia!
Skirting we were supposed to do ourselves but after major dramas and us…

7 years7 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Thanks Mrs RS The house is very much still a work in progress. Finally starting to get some art on the walls which makes a difference.

7 years7 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

We went laminate for all downstairs areas and we love it.

Who's building with Clarendon??
  ⋅  3
8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

The house length from front to back (the direction the laminate was laid) was just on the maximum length you can go before needing expansion joints.

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

We just avoided having one. I've seen them in a few of the display homes. If you can get the plastic strip to match the laminate it's not too bad.

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Thanks MrsRS I needed a bit of a break from everything building after we moved in. All the dramas caught up with me in the end!
Here's a couple…

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Slowly getting there! Still so much to do/buy. If only the money tree came with the house

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

We have 3 different sizes, looks fine.

Who's building with Clarendon??
8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Bellavia Build - Clarendon Madison NSW - Moved in

Veeeeery slowly! I'll have to take a couple of pics but a lot of it is still "under construction"

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8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Ryalls - Coral Homes Noosa 26 - Leaking ensuite??

MrsJM nothing happens if you don't have it! As long as it's done if you ever want to sell.

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Ryalls - Coral Homes Noosa 26 - Leaking ensuite??

Yeah interim was fine, we just can't get the full one until we get clearance from council.

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Ryalls - Coral Homes Noosa 26 - Leaking ensuite??

Our plans were rejected and the house had to be moved across to allow the 1m for the retaining wall. As it turned out the way the site was cut…

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Bellavia Build - Clarendon Madison NSW - Moved in

We love the fridge! It does take a bit of getting used to though. We have the 900L one so there is plenty of space. You do also need to…

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Building at Northlakes Estate- Cameron park

I'm with TPG and haven't really had any problems. I downloaded some huge files for work today and it was normal speed.

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Building at Northlakes Estate- Cameron park

Get some gypsum on the soil before you plant anything else. The clay here is a killer for plants with delicate root systems. Your dad was out watering them when…

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Bellavia Build - Clarendon Madison NSW - Moved in

I just checked and ours is the PUM90X which is 900mm. It ended up being $403 extra, the one they originally quoted was $1233 extra!

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Bellavia Build - Clarendon Madison NSW - Moved in

It's a Smeg, will have to check the model number for you tomorrow. Upgrading to an undermount was a pain in the butt! You basically get no credit for the…

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Bellavia Build - Clarendon Madison NSW - Moved in

It was roughly $20k. We had about 200 tonne of dirt to excavate too which was included in that cost.

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Bellavia Build - Clarendon Madison NSW - Moved in

I'm not sure exactly what the timber is, looks muuuuch nicer than pine. We are going to stain them too. It has taken the guys about 8 days. That's with…

8 years8 yearsKLBKLB posted:
Bellavia Build - Clarendon Madison NSW - Moved in

Here's a few pics of the backyard now the retaining walls are almost done. Should be finished tomorrow hopefully.

Joined homeone
15 February 2015

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