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Joined 31 January 2020
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1 year1 yearAshington HomesAshington Homes posted:
In this forum we often rightly criticise builders....

Some good news to close the year out.
The bank paid us $154,000 yesterday! Only $32,000 to go now.
We negotiated with the client to finalise his OC to get the final…

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1 year1 yearAshington HomesAshington Homes posted:
How many builders are on this forum?

Am I allowed to comment on this thread? :-D
Surprisingly, there are quite a few builders who read the posts regularly and there are a number…

  ⋅  1
1 year1 yearponzutwoponzutwo posted:
late completion penalty

You may be entitled to compensation. But the circumstances under which will be outlined in your contract.
Generally speaking, What the builder has told you about the occupancy cert is…

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1 year1 yearAshington HomesAshington Homes posted:
Questions to ask a builder before you begin?

That is really good advice.
We do the same thing with most of our new clients. We are more than happy for them to speak to our other clients and have…

  ⋅  2
1 year1 yearstonesthrowstonesthrow posted:
Questions to ask a builder before you begin?

You need to ask exactly what their inclusions are. Don't get a verbal list or rough dot points.
You will be surprised what builders don't include and how much extra…

  ⋅  2
1 year1 yearbuilding-expertbuilding-expert posted:
Devil in the eyes

They say Devil is in the detail but can you spot Devil in the eyes?
My son Nik who owns and runs his own building and inspection business Compliance Building Reports…

  ⋅  1
1 year1 yearstrannikstrannik posted:
PCI - How thorough were you?

given how much money you're handing over, i wouldn't worry about looking like an idiot. especially given that you're not going to have the site supervisor in your life for…

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1 year1 yearbuilding-expertbuilding-expert posted:
Disasters are coming

Some of the conspiracy theories have turned out to be wrong but some have turned to be true, so you should precisely read them, do your own research and then…

  ⋅  2
1 year1 yearMeMySelfNiMeMySelfNi posted:
Wisdom Homes - Construction Delays is it worth the hassle?

Hi Skippers
You are spot on. after checking the contract it’s said liquid damages @ $40 per days, and building time is 44 weeks and i’m already at 40 weeks…

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1 year1 yearInfinite-JusticeInfinite-Justice posted:
Wisdom Homes - Construction Delays is it worth the hassle?

Perhaps have a look at your contract first and see what the construction period and the liquidated damages for delay are, and take it from there.

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2 years2 yearsbuilding-expertbuilding-expert posted:
Leaning House piers

You will need more than a building inspector, a building consultant, someone with extensive building experience, contract administration and who can produce and give exper evidence in NCAT.

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2 years2 yearsstrannikstrannik posted:
LMI or Saving? - Help, which is better?

i'd use a mortgage broker, because the amounts you can borrow can vary significantly between banks.
i wouldn't worry about LMI, it's just one of the costs. the more important thing…

  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsHuynhm3Huynhm3 posted:

Thanks everyone for replying. Luckily I have not signed the contract yet and I only put $500 to get the ball rolling. As I organised the preliminary items like soil…

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2 years2 yearsLkumarLkumar posted:
Building with Hudson Homes

This is with my solicitors and slowly progressing through. The claims are substantial so it is taking time.

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2 years2 yearstheotherengineertheotherengineer posted:
Clause 37 - HIA contract - defects and Final Payment

Builder's reputations maybe meant something to them back in the day. As long as they are the cheapest, or next cheapest builder in a new estate, that's what will get…

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2 years2 yearsSaveH2OSaveH2O posted:
Demolition company in Melbourne

The post you reacted to is spammy and just a waste of space. I suspect it will be on its way soon.

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2 years2 yearsAnnaPAnnaP posted:
Building with Wisdom Homes

here is the pixs of our facade nothing fancy...

Building with Wisdom Homes
  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsDavosDavos posted:
Anyone built with Semore Homes or Oak Living (VIC) ?

Hi SJT76, yes, just keep on top of things as they say they will fix them, some get fixed and some don't. lol
Make sure you have all things you want…

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2 years2 yearsAdeezAdeez posted:
Final Inspection and Final Payment Rights

Just an update for whoever was following this post.
After persistence the builder has rectified the issues and provided evidence. To what quality these issues are addressed I'm not sure as…

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2 years2 yearstheotherengineertheotherengineer posted:
Clause 37 - HIA contract - defects and Final Payment

I guess there is a reason builders are distrusted and disliked across cultures and languages.
There is, then, really, no point in the defect list; the builder has no incentive…

  ⋅  2

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