White Gum Place North Kellyville
I am building a 2 storey and apparently the size i am building is slightly above CDC requirements. I am building a 38 sq house so Metricon has suggested that…
White Gum Place North Kellyville
Also just read my contract and my builder is charging $725 for the Syd water assessment.
White Gum Place North Kellyville
I looked at that option as well but since our plans are not going via CDC but will be a DA , I need to get the assessment report which…
White Gum Place North Kellyville
Hi mac+rex,Good to hear on the BAL rating. We had provided for BAl 12.5 in our contract. I have also just engaged the Bush fire consultant to complete the report…
White Gum Place North Kellyville
Has anyone started with their construction. Mine looks like will take 2-3 months due to paperwork .
White Gum Place North Kellyville
Hi all, has anyone received their land contract . My solicitor is saying it will take another 2-3 weeks.
White Gum Place North Kellyville
Hi Phil, did you have to order the Sec 149 & 88g certificates from the council?? My builder just asked for these.
White Gum Place North Kellyville
I havent got the bush fire report yet but I hope its not BAl 29
White Gum Place North Kellyville
Good luck with the build . I am still in the contract stage so guessing still 2-3 months before our build starts. We are building a 2 storey with Metricon.
White Gum Place North Kellyville
Thanks for the update. I will let my builder know about this.
Also, when is the settlement happening for your lots. Mine was scheduled for 22nd but now has been cancelled.…
White Gum Place North Kellyville
Thx for the update. So perhaps the $10k is a reasonable allowance.
Anyone else building in North Kellyville?
Hi All,
Can I know the cost of rainwater garden and 3000l rainwater tank. We have been quoted $10k by Metricon so wanted to check what the rest of you are…
White Gum Place North Kellyville
Hi All,
Just wanted to check how much is it costing for rainwater garden & tank? We have been quoted $10k .
White Gum Place North Kellyville
I haven't yet finalised my building plans yet so will only know during our discussion with the builder. Was this advised by your builder?
Also, did you get the bush fire…
White Gum Place North Kellyville
I too just got a call but settlement date is 22nd May for us.
Building in North Kellyville - Allcastle Homes
Thanks for the update. What is the process from now? When do we get the communication from the vendor?
Building in North Kellyville - Allcastle Homes
Great news. Did you get the update from your solicitor? I haven't heard from mine yet.
White Gum Place North Kellyville
It is quite highly priced but no idea on why its being sold. Possiblly could be an investor making a profit. It is currently advertised on realestate.com.au.
White Gum Place North Kellyville
He is re-selling the lot. Its going for sale between $650-$670k.
Building in North Kellyville - Allcastle Homes
My solicitor received official communication yesterday from the vendor solicitor that the plan has been lodged and allocated plan number is DP1172966. It could take between 2-4 weeks from now.
White Gum Place North Kellyville
Hopefully it's very soon. I had driven to the site last weekend and happened to meet Emanuelle there. He too mentioned that it should be ready in 2-4 weeks time.…
KDRB Metricon Glendale 38 (Sydney) - We are in!
Hi Monalisa,
We also were wondering about the downlight charges bring very expensive at $130 and were thinking of getting them done externally. I read in one if your posts on…
White Gum Place North Kellyville
Thats some positive news. Hopefully it doesn't take too long now.
KDRB Metricon Glendale 38 (Sydney) - We are in!
Hi Monalisa,
I just read in your thread about you upgrading the kitchen oven and appliances to Bertazonni.if you don't mind could you please share the cost for the upgrade.…
Building Metricon Glendale38
Thanks Monalisa for your suggestions. Also wondering if you could upgrade the appliances to Fisher & Paykel. The designer range provides Fisher & Paykel but the metro range comes with…
Building Metricon Glendale38
Hi All,
I am planning to build a glendale as well in North Kellyville. We have our tender appointment in 2 weeks time. Just wanted to check if anyone upgraded their…