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226 Posts
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Joined 4 December 2012
Bronze Member
6 years6 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Simonds Prague Modified - Adelaide

It's been a quiet week for us with the house plans so I thought I'd share another post.
We have enjoyed the flexibility of the Simonds Fusion process as it…

Simonds Prague Modified - Adelaide
6 years6 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Simonds Prague Modified - Adelaide

Hello everyone,
We are back once again after sharing our first build on here 5 years ago. A year ago we purchased land to build again but sadly it all fell…

Simonds Prague Modified - Adelaide
  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Simonds Prague Modified SA

Hi Gem, how's it all going? Any updates/photos? :)

7 years7 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building Simonds Prague with Modifications

Hi Tracey, how's it all going? Do you have any new updates/photos/comments? :)

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Statesman, Greenock MKII

We haven't decided yet but we have been working pretty hard on the Simonds "Prague" :)

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Statesman, Greenock MKII

Congrats on the start of your build! We were looking at building the Greenock MkII as well, I really like the features this house has for the size. Looking forward…

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
The epic home building race - HANDOVER FINALLY!!!

Personally the joins would bug me endlessly, and the ends of the wood might get darker/stand out more once stained and settled? Plus if they're painted white (or whatever you've…

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Simonds Harcrest - SA Build - PCI Complete

Yaaay conslabulations!

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Simonds Prague Modified SA

Woohoo congratulations! I'm going to be following this religiously haha.

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building the Simonds Palisade in Gippsland

At this stage it looks like we most likely will be, yes! Thank you for the offer I'll keep that in mind. It's doing my head in at the moment…

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

Same, we're not even close to having our land titled but I'm impatient and I forward-plan like an actual crazy woman hahahaha.

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building the Simonds Palisade in Gippsland

Yesssss this is looking amazing! Thank you so much for sharing these photos, your colour scheme is almost exactly what we are after so it's been brilliant watching it all…

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

The last few weeks have been a bit full on so we've been a little quiet over here, but we've also been busy little bee's closing in on our preferred…

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Doing it Again! Our second Mt Barker Build

Excellent! I hope it's all been running smoothly for you guys!

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Doing it Again! Our second Mt Barker Build

Hey guys, any updates? :)

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

Thank you!
Yeah that's what I'm worried about. We have had an estimate for rendering instead, but I'd like to avoid doing that if possible. So worst comes to worst we…

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

That would actually be amazing, thank you. I'm stressing haaaaaarrrrrrddd over the externals. We're thinking a dark brick base with a light grey weatherboard so it'd be good to be…

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

EXCELLENT. Thank you!! I've just been scouring the internet for them hahaha.

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

So just in the spirit of keeping a record of our experience, over the weekend we put together a list of items that we wanted to remove or amend from…

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

This is awesome feedback, thank you! It's great hearing positive comments like this, as it's a bit few and far between for SA builds with them on here.
We're thinking…

kaykens followed:
8 years8 years
8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

Hahaha I have a feeling that's exactly what will happen with Kenny and I. There will be a lot of 'NO KAYLA COME BACK HERE' flying around I think

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

We are currently dealing with Cahill in Gawler and he's been fantastic, very accommodating. He's been very straight forward which has been refreshing.
I'm glad to hear that the standard included…

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Simonds Prague Modified SA

Our first house was poured in the rain and it was perfectly fine :)
And from there it took roughly 7 months, but it depends on…

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

We toyed with the master bedroom door and it was taking too much space out of the wall opposite the bed for us personally, so if you wanted a table…

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

Hey! That's pretty much exactly what we had in mind and discussed with the sales consultant. The walk through robe and double vanity is what I asked for (wasnt included…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

We are definitely maximisers! Kenny is still looking at blocks, just in case!!!! :lol:

8 years8 yearskaykenskaykens posted:
Building plans cancelled. New thread up.

Thank you for all the feedback guys! It's really helpful getting some different perspectives and comments on what to consider. I hadn't even thought about the prospect of having people…

  ⋅  1
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