Building Inspector - Melbourne West
We will be building a new home shortly in Sunbury (Melbourne's west) - exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. I'm keen to engage a building inspector - does…

Developer lets us down, need advice
Additional information- the block is located in Redstone Sunbury, Victoria.

Developer lets us down, need advice
Looking for advice here. We purchased a block of land in a new estate in October last year. The land is yet to title. In February this year, the developer…

Redstone (Sunbury, Vic)
Looking for advice here. We purchased a block of land in a new estate in October last year. The land is yet to title. In February this year, the developer…

Structural Warranty question - please help!
Built a new home with a volume builder and moved in 2011. In 2014, the pipe in front of our house started to leak. I contacted the volume builder who…

Stratco or Shademaster?
I have a quote for a pergola from a Stratco dealer - Undercover Concepts and another company - Allweather Shelters who use a 'Shademaster' solution. According to the sales people…

Stratco or Shademaster?
I have a quote for a pergola from a Stratco dealer - Undercover Concepts and another company - Allweather Shelters who use a 'Shademaster' solution. According to the sales people…

New Home Builders Warranty VIC- Does it mean anything?
I have built with a large volume builder in VIC, lets say their initials are PD. The home has a warranty for seven years. We are into year three and…

Porter Davis homes
Hi Ebony,
Hope you have been well. I've still trying to get a few items resolved, one from our 3 month inspection, the rest from the 12 month one, and despite…

The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?
Hi E&N,
Thanks, glad you like our site. It has taken a lot of work to get this far, but it is rewarding. We should be expanding the range of products…

Do you actually use your Butlers Pantry
Its only a walk in pantry, not quite a butlers pantry, but we love it! Its big enough to be a butlers one, but ran out of $$ to put…

Porter Davis homes
Great news trudyx and congratulations! One year on, we love our home and am glad we went with PD too!

The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?
Thanks everyone for your positive feedback! We are intending to expand our product range to cover Thai, Malaysian and Sri Lankan spices as well before starting a mini ad blitz.…

Porter Davis homes
Mel_mox, glad to see you back on here. We are happy too, a few minor things left over from our PCI and 3 month inspection still to be fixed, will…

The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?
Hi Nat,
Had a look at your site and loved it! If we had cats or dogs I would definitely order from you too. Looks like you have a good…

The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?
Its looks like alls quiet on the forum now. We certainly have been busy, still settling in but loving where we are. Drove around the estate the other day and…

Porter Davis homes
Rob, tstr1a has a wealth of advice. Good luck with your build!

Porter Davis homes
Thank you Ebony. Our house has stood up really well to the recent weather and I must say we are very happy with the finish. Our SS was fantastic throughout…

Porter Davis homes
Hi Ebony,
I'm back! We had our three month inspection a while ago and things still havent been fixed. I contacted maintenance several times and there are three items still oustanding.…

The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?
Housemouse I have four big cardboard boxes if you'd like - pm me if you'd like them. No need to return them, just pass them on. They would hold a…

Porter Davis homes
tstr1a, congrats on the slab! I hear New Home Inspections is good, I used the Building Watchdog and found Malcolm very thorough! Keep us posted

Neighbours and Fencing
b0son - I dont think so. I'm guessing the owners of the blocks at the time the fence is constructed are liable for the costs. My thoughts only, a call…

Neighbours and Fencing
Happy to report that a 'notice to fence' with a covering letter that said I'd recover fence costs + my costs meant that neighbour one paid up and neighbour two…

Plz Help PD team
a2zdes - if you have your prices in writing, take it to PD and I found they generally honoured their word. Especially if it was written. If its verbal, your…

Porter Davis homes
Thats great news Mel! Good luck with the rest of your build too!!
Overall, PD has been great with sticky points and more often than not, have come to the…

The Eskay Saga Comes to an end...
Love your front door SK! Looks like things are moving on!!

The Range Estate - Croydon.....Anyone else Building there?
Lock up next week? SK that's fantastic news!! I suppose you'll be in well before Christmas then?
Lot306, glad that your build is going so well.
Natmai, hope yours picks up…

Porter Davis homes
Congrats on your slab tstr1a! Way to go!!
Our 3 month maintenance check was done, guys were supposed to come out to fix stuff. One tradie showed up on the appointed…

Porter Davis homes
Wateman, you are building in the same place as we are considering! It seems like a lovely estate. We spent approx $25k on upgrades, approx $5k on electricals, the other…